My heart breaks for this woman. She doesn't know the difference between your and you're. So sad.
My heart breaks for this woman. She doesn't know the difference between your and you're. So sad.
I'm sorry I can't hear you. I'm drowning in high quality weed and thin mints right now. I'll get back to you soon.
Even when I was young and randy, being at my parents' home was a mood killer.
Sure. You can find it back in my closet in 1997.
Dunno, the composition and lighting? It's a really cool candid.
This was brilliantly written. Bets on how long until Tracie is headhunted from Jezebel? This was probably one of the best researched and articulated stories I've read on here and that's being said by someone who has been reading Jez since its beginnings.
Grayson Perry has a lot of interesting art but this might just be his most seminal work yet.
As a Latina woman, who has been at it that my whole life, I do not feel offended because cholo culture is not one that I feel represents my people. If she were wearing huipiles, and caites maybe, MAYBE I would feel upset. Chol@s is more East LA, gangster culture. Also my tattoo artist is white, his mother is white…
This project could have been AMAZING. The shoes are really cool, and I don't at all mind the concept, actually. The accompanying stories, however, are insufferable. This guy has the emotional maturity and intellectual prowess of a freshman philosophy major who insists his teachers all give him Cs because they're…
I have this theory that everyone should have to work a shitty, minimum wage job. Like, between high school and college. You get a random crappy job, and you work it for a randomly assigned number of years so you don't even have the comfort of knowing when you'll stop being so f-ing poor. Then we'll all know what it's…
Ugh. I would have to be on drugs to work worth Hasselback.
Jez, your cherry picking of what is cultural appropriation and not is head-scratching.
Not everywhere. Here in Washington state, the minimum wage is the minimum wage. Period.
Waiters don't GET minimum wage you dolt.
You know what the minimum wage for servers is around $2.00 an hour, right?
So don't eat out.
This seems incredibly West Coast. Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but people are almost painfully non-confrontational and indirect when it comes to bad news.
That way when they pill, because FABRIC, you're not shit out of $120. For a pair of goddamn pants. That you stretch in.
If you have to keep bragging about how much you love doing a tedious-but-beneficial activity, you don't actually like it. You like the end result, but secretly hate that you have to do all the work to stay there. And you brag about it to distract you from the fact that you hate it so much.