
That’s the nature of the rumors I’d heard, although I don’t really follow Hollywood at all (which means the rumors must have been pretty widespread).

Yeah, this irks me. It’s obvious a lot of people helped Weinstein cover it up, and it’s obvious at least some people worked with him despite knowing what a monster he was. But there’s a lot of people who knew rumors, or who even had direct knowledge of his behavior (MacFarlane), who still had no real power to do

Another thing to point out, just because you know a guy is a womanizing dick doesn’t mean you know a guy is a sexually harrassing/raping dick.

6 is my favorite, and that is exactly why.

The movie literally assembles an avengers team out of a bunch of the lame supporting characters from like 2 Fast 2 Furious, has Vin Diesel say “these guys are cool now and you’re excited to see them,” and we the audience are like “sure, works for us.”

There’s a level where the National Anthem plays and while it’s on all your buttons are remapped to ‘kneel’.

I remember there used to be so many WW2 games because it was considered completely morally safe to kill Nazis; they were the ultimate evil and ultimate bad guys.

As a pretty big fan of Ex Machina, I have to say: It was pretty stiff competition to get on a ballot here. 35 years is a long time, and it’s arguable that the post-Blade Runner years feature a lot of the best sci-fi movies ever made. I left a couple of movies I love off my ballot just for not being quite sci-fi

Are you voting for Alien 3 over T1/T2? Alien predates Blade Runner.

upstream color deserves its place on any list of scifi. it’s honestly not that confusing of a film, nor is it intended to be —it just requires attentive viewing.

Well actually, few people know this, but every single member of The National has at least briefly been a member of Kool and the Gang. So technically you’re wrong.

Another reason to hate Kinja.

“Back then, we called Donkey Kong ‘Professor Bananas,’ and he didn’t throw barrels, he threw disobedient Irishmen! Most of the videy games cost one horsepenny and were eight seconds long! All of them were about a man trying to marry a potato, which was the style at the time.”

Thank you for defending the honor of that most beautiful and valiant creature, the “gamer.”

>because of those fans, the show is becoming easy to hate

You’re not wrong.

WHO the fuck are you guys and why aren’t we having a beer? I thought my best friend and I were the only two souls alive that loved The Fountain. This made my day.

Thing is, I think you’re making assumptions about what Aronofsky was surprised about (and, more so, the strength of that surprise). He interrupted himself in the middle of talking and changed tack. We don’t really know what he was surprised by. The main thing I’m surprised by is how upset it seems to make you that

I think you’re reading into his quote. He stops in the middle of a sentence and shifts gears: He’s surprised, but it’s unclear whether he’s surprised how many people got the references immediately, or whether he’s surprised at how many people didn’t. It’s telling that you elided (or just didn’t read) the rest of the