
Yeah I am not a fan of violence, but I would watch that on a loop.

I actually have the exact opposite argument. Jess was every teen girl's fantasy bad-boy boyfriend. Logan at one point actually grew up and made his own life. Jess grew up to be an insuffrable hipster.

I'm pretty sure Lorelai watched His Girl Friday in one episode and remarks at how fast they all talk. Good comparison.

To be fair, I missed things randomly throughout since I always watched at least a day or more after the episodes would come out. I am just happy I caught onto something for once!

Does anyone at all feel that the show put out the possibility that the foreperson voted guilty? At least at the first poll they took? I know we are meant to assume that the white jurors voted guilty and all the black jurors voted not, but for some reason there was a part of me that thought that Juror one might have

Oh man I loved that little scene with Shapiro literally on the outside of the group, trying to engage with them. Like the poor guy at the lunch table that no one likes but there is nowhere else for him to sit.

I said this last night. That it almost seemed that Cochran was almost using OJ as a puppet to get across his real purpose: to show the LAPD as racist. It's a little chilling to think this if it is at all true.

Yes. My first thought. Sadly there was no Henry Fonda type to sway the jury back to guilty.

In Wisconsin "Jump Around" is profoundly relevant. We don't need it sullied by Drumpf. Go Badgers!


I had a guy hit on me/attempt to ask me out when I worked retail. He made up some excuse to make me go toward the back of the store, asked me out, and when I said no (with my keys between my fingers in case he tried to touch me), he got upset and called me a name. Can't remember what it was. The infuriating part is, I

Well, he was told initially that HE would be wearing the red mini-dress.

The point is that the name "Trump" has become synonymous with success, even when the man himself was not. The name carries the weight of itself; people have started to recognize it as a brand, and Oliver is trying to change that view. Because there are many instances where the man Trump was unsuccessful, but people

Was there an ice pick in his head?

Folk Implosion LOVE IT

Closer - Nine Inch Nails
Ana Ng - TMBG
I Want To Tell You - The Beatles
Softer, Softest - Hole
Venus As A Boy - Bjork
The Child Is Gone - Fiona Apple
Oceans - Pearl Jam
Mysterons - Portishead (Live)
Eulogy - Tool

WOOO the only State fair is in WI! I still won't go.

could you please change that to "pee-pee soaked heck-hole?"

Your last sentence is truth.

It really is a matter of terrible or worse, isn't it? UGH.