
THAT (in the link) one looks like a giant Tootsie Roll.

I really enjoyed the book and it was not a little terrifying. Especially since at the time I read it, I had 2 screens at my desk and was wishing for a third. Some of these companies nowadays want to just be all in your life, and it can be hard to see why that is not a good thing. (as I post this from a work computer…)

I really wanted to like that movie, especially since many scenes were filmed in Wisconsin in the actual locations, also Christian Bale and Johnny Depp seems like it would be fun, and wow it was boring.

I recently got to watch my husband have a "Duh" moment when I told him the Mr Crabs was the horrible guard in Shawshank Redemption. He still doesn't really believe me.

Oh me too 100%. Thankfully Ally McBeal set me straight. And then I turned it off forever.

And his proximity to Katherine Hepburn.

I love when he is mocking her on Frasier and he is using her accent, because deep down it's his own accent and it makes me smile.

I found out this morning that Dave Grohl presented a few songs he had written to Kurt Cobain, including what became Big Me, as suggestions for Nirvana. Cobain reportedly declined but was supportive and congratulatory of the work. That was kind of bizarre to think about.

And The Birds reference too. That scene is chock-full!

i searched the thread to come here to talk about Aiden Gillen! I JUST realized that Littlefinger (who always reminded me of someone) is the same actor who was one of the mates of Chris O'Donnell's character in Circle of Friends.

"My mom's going to be so mad at me…"

The first time I read "Girl With a Pearl Earring" by Tracy Chevalier I read it cover to cover. I was so in love with the idea of making up a life for this person that stares so deeply out at you. It deepened my love for Vermeer's works as well, and gave me a completely different way of interpreting art. I read it

Oh absolutely. Not lame at all; Ledger's Joker will always hit me in the gut. The whole thing really…it's really good.

Pretty much all the teen boyfriends are punchable.

Same. Adore him.

"I'm moving my left leg. I'm moving my right leg"

From that same movie-Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead. Kenny shoots the dishes off the roof with a rifle. It's a very helpful phrase.

So many, from MST3K, The Simpsons, Friends etc. But the one that seems to come up the most between me and my husband is "Very pretty colonel…but can they fight?" from The Dirty Dozen. I haven't even ever seen that whole film, but that phrase in Donald Sutherland's accent is constantly used in my house.

Every time my husband and I drive past a park, we say "I love the park!" in a drunken slur.

Literally said that 10 minutes ago.