
Clearly, the best part of The Wrong Trousers is when the penguin takes off his "disguise" and Wallace says, "It's You!"

Sorry, but I don't agree that she should be depressed because of the life she is living. She chose it. She went to college, found a husband, and did what she did. Sure, it's the 60s and is customary to marry and have children, but she never seems to be happy anywhere she is. Even Rome would have turned sour if they

Does no one think that he reason that the Au Pair was so upset the next day was because her boss IS her "boyfriend"? I feel more that she felt like she betrayed the trust of her employers by even talking to Pete and was upset that she had to tell her boss. I have more of a feeling that her boss gave her more of a hard

My first thought for this list (besides Meat Loaf "Paradise by the Dashboard Light) was The Lightning Strike by Snow Patrol, but I see that it would be considered a suite. So never mind.

I am really late
but I have only seen ONE of the movies on the list: The Whole Ten Yards. I have to say, it isn't the worst of the worst, but it was pretty terrible. I feel glad that I haven't wasted my time watching this crap. W00t!

Eagle-Eye Cherry went to the New York Performing Arts school!

Zig-gy Pig-gy Zig-gy Pig-gy.

"Nabin will beat you with a tire-iron"

@Ho Hum: that is an excellent reasoning. I have not read the original yet, and can see that it could be irritating to read a rehash that doesn't keep to the feel of the original story, but I still think it's a pretty good idea. I however tend to keep adaptations separate from the originals; just like the majority of

I was skeptical when I heard about P&P&Z, but I am currently reading it and am pleasantly surprised at how fun it is. I can only hope that this one will be as fun. I say this as someone who hasn't read Pride & Prejudice before, thought I am going to once I finish with Zombies.

See, and I still think of Center Stage when I hear "Canned Heat". Thinking of it as a soundtrack to a ballet is weirder to me than one dorky high school kid dancing to it.

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here!

American Flag karate ZUBAZZ, you mean.

I usually don't mind the things that TomWaits says, because many times he makes a good, if not always contrary, point. But here I have to disagree. Sure, not every teenager talks like Napoleon, but many many kids in High School either feel the way he does, or know someone who does. He is a characiture of the nerdy

Not to ruin your joke or anything, but Milwaukee Male is actually the name of a gay men's dating website for the local area. I don't think they would be so interested in my "woods".

Does this mean
we are just a few years away from an Into the Woods film adaptation?

How close is that to Whore Island? Or MILF Island for that matter?

I'm glad to see that this was better than I thought it would be
Courtney Cox is a lot funnier than people seem to giver her credit for. She is another one of those actresses who can be a pretty ditz convincingly. I saw an ad for this the other day, and the best comparison I can make is that she is like Fat Monica from

Sure, but it had a renaissance when it was covered by the Blow Monkeys for Dirty Dancing, and everyone forgot that Lesley did it first.

lex, I'm with you that cruises are not really travel if you want to actually see the places you stop. I can see their place; the idea of a giant floating hotel is appealing to many. But I think of the Alaska cruise. It's one of the most popular and appealing to so many people who want to see the wildness of the state.