
I missed Alicia Keyes due to thunderstorms, but my mom was texting me and said that Alicia had a lot of nipple action going on, to the point that the cameras had to focus on her face a lot.

Somehow I know that Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon won Best Kiss for "Bound". This memory is forever seared into my brain, and I don't think I have ever sat through an MTV Award Show.

Defending Your Life is a great film, and I think the first one that Karatloz has seen that I recognized.

Oh. thank you kerouak. At any rate, it was disturbing.

that reminds me of the whole maggot-farm that Norval was growing. My memory has faded a bit, but was there any real reason we needed to know that, or was it just to push along the animosity the other carnival members had for him, namely the Tiger-tamer? Clearly I am losing the story to my memory and don't have the

I added the Titanic song pretty recently. I have always wanted a Viking funeral-it is the coolest burial.

And "The Future" by Leonard Cohen is playing on internet radio THIS VERY MINUTE.

I would like "Nearer My God to Thee" played by a string quartet. I would like it played while my body is put on a raft, pushed out to sea, and burned by a flaming arrow that will be shot from shore.

I gotta say, eating brains in a restaurant after being prepared by a French chef is a world apart from eating preserved pig brains in milk.

I really pictured Arty's flippers to be shorter for some reason. Thos limbs look pretty functional to me. I assumed his arms to be the length of a limb removed above the elbow with flipper-like ends. Certainly not that long.

Truly if I were to have seen this book at the store and not looked further, I would have assumed it had something to do with robots. I was pleasantly surprised that it was about something that is immensely more fascinating to me (sorry robot fans). It is a good lesson in not judging books by the cover.

Sincere Sensei is right in that we are at the mercy of Oly's knowledge. We are seeing the whole side show and all its participants from the eye of Oly, and whatever she doesn't know, or care to learn, we don't know either. It's an interesting way to look at it, and it forgives some of the loose ends and sloppy

That is fascinating and lovely that they are alive, thriving, and happy. Great story.

I liked Water for Elephants too, in a completely different way.

Shut up, anus!

A real comment now.
I really liked this story. I too was hoping Oly would find some peace with herself, and redemption for all she sacrificed. Of all the siblings, she seemed the one who "felt" her freakishness the most. I liked her compassion that was also hatred, if that makes sense.


Twitter pays off
This is the first time I will be reading a post about a book I have read. Yay!

Plus he's HAWT.

Oh sorry-I really try to block out those abominations. Although I kind of like III.