
I have a friend who was raped and stabbed, her fiance raped and murdered trying to save her. She found it easer to move on with a form of forgiveness. She believes he should be punished, of course, but also knows that all sorts of failures in the system led to the night her life changed completely.

I really can’t judge on this front... I make weird hats to wear all the time. Last Easter I turned a stuffed bunny into a hat.

Totally. They don’t need the money. They don’t need the exposure. And any place where a Cameron is not is a better place. TEAM OLSEN!!!

How dare they move on with their lives and build one of the most respected fashion houses out there run by people under 40... HOW DARE THEY!!!

So why not cut him and keep her?

this is a garbage person.

This all just made me make a face so painful that I had to take advil. This building sounds like hell and I’m paying 2x what I pay now for it... and I have to live with their ugly Ikea furniture? No thank you.

OR maybe they’re not providing GF meals and he’s talking out his ass!


Soooo awful. I’m 40 and look like I could be his kid.

He sees GF as some liberal coddling thing... but why? Celiac’s happens to ultra liberals and neo-cons alike... it’s a disease. Sure lots of people think they’re intolerant when that’s not a thing but SO WHAT!? When you’re looking after people who actually have an illness, what’s the harm in indulging those who just

Dude is off his meds.

Exactly. Not getting into trouble doesn’t mean he never did any wrong... just never got caught.

I got a BFA in MUSICAL THEATER and I’m not in HAMILTON!!!! I’m gonna start my killing spree so the world turns upside down.

And if Hitler only sold a piece of art...

He look exactly like the person I would imagine would write this big pile of word crap.

Sadly not shocking at all. Bullies are gonna bully as long as they can.

Maybe he had a cold. This is the season.

Yeah. I went to one of the top schools for musical theater in the country. My voice was so good I got a solo my sophomore year where the prof said “everyone who’s sang this song starred on Broadway.” I didn’t end up on Broadway.

Dude was found SCRAMBLING OUTSIDE HER HOUSE! How is that not stalking!?!?!?!?