
My friend got tix as a Valentine’s gift from her hubby for her birthday 2017, which just happens to be Hamilton’s birthday.

Stream KEXP. Morning show is totally worth it. So much music!

Sounds utterly insufferable.

This is why I listen to Seattle’s KEXP Morning Show w/ John no matter where I live (thank you streaming!). Mostly music, sometimes music knowledge, never stupid antics, always a great time.

All better fashions than Yeezy’s.

It’s all so sparkly and ugly. A combo I had never thought to exist. So, um, way to go Yeezy? Way to bring the boring and the ugly?

She has disordered eating and Elle is glamorizing it. Way to go.

Oh, as a vintage loving costumer, I am WELL aware. Still the word is ruined. :(

I too have stepped out of the game. They’re just not worth it. The chance one might kill me because his grilled cheese was burned or some other perceived slight is just too much.

This happened to my friend who has been dealing with a stalker for the last 10 years. HIS LAWYER broke with form (and possibly even the law) to tell her lawyer that he wasn’t gonna stop and she should get a gun. HIS LAWYER!!!

I agree with him on this point.

Not really. Male entitlement thinks nothing of vows.

I suspect the woman who survived his attack might disagree with his put upon wife who would rather have a cheater, molester, rapist, and violent attempted murderer help her raise her kids than bother doing it herself.

I was in a situation that could have very well ended this way if it wasn’t for my awesome roommate. So scary.

It so breaks my heart that they ruined fedoras... as a vintage loving gal with a film noir obsession this really hurts.

Every single “NotAllMen” man is part of the problem.

Perhaps it’s because women don’t go out and kill a lot of strangers when they know they’re going to be alone. They just go and get a rescue pet or 20.

I feel you. 40 and dating and it’s hell. Apparently the only men who would lower themselves to date me, an accomplished artist and actor with style and talent (who’s also kinda cute), are are old enough to be my dad or young enough to be my son (and want me to be their MILF).

As a plump 40 year old, I want to punch all of these men in their goddamn faces.

Also, some women get left out! And you know what? They are far more demonized by society for doing so.