
Ugh. The dating at 40 thing... it’s so depressing. Men my age want 25-35. Men who want to date me 60+ OR 30 and under and expect me to take care of them like I’m their bloody mom.

I particularly love this part:

Seriously, OP, it’s not them, it’s you. You may be handsome, but it seems you are also a creep...

I just read a tweet string where a dude said a good woman washes all of his clothes by hand. That she was, and I quote, “wife material.”

Of course they did.

I want to break things.

AND harassing the victims and their supporters mercilessly. I’ve watched women I follow, since the verdict, be attacked called cunt and bitch and liar and all sorts of things. Attempted doxing... the whole lot.

Pretty much, and even then it will somehow be the woman’s fault.


Shocked. And she’ll keep having his kids even if it risks her health because she is just a vessel.

Sometimes you talk to whoever will listen.

If she didn’t agree to the roughness this is still a problem. And a lot of sex work is intimacy. The sex is really just a tool for opening up to someone. I have friends who do sex work and all of them are more therapists than anything. Often a 1 hour engagement is 15 mins of sex and 45 mins of talk/cuddles. Vary

Sounds about right.

Seriously, if I paid for 1st class and got bumped down, for a dog I also already paid for, I’d be pissed off as fuck. How is this a class war?

I will love SP always because of Deadwood.

I loath Laura Linney thanks to her characters in Tales of the City and Love Actually.

Or you call a few professionals.

Seriously, what is wrong with their feet!?! Do they all have club foot?

Steven Avery

Sadly, he’ll just keep thinking “bitches” and waiting for one of the girls from Scream Queens to discover him.