Ha! Yeah. I’ll keep imagining that he looks like Kevin James’ plain brother who works in entry level IT.
Ha! Yeah. I’ll keep imagining that he looks like Kevin James’ plain brother who works in entry level IT.
Exactly this!
I think I just felt a pang because of a past relationship that, on paper, should have worked. We had so much in common and, though I’m not in his life I still have fond feelings for him, but OMG I was not attracted. From the very beginning. And I hated myself for it because he is such a good person. I…
I’d believe this if these men were looking to date and marry their peers, but they want women 15+ years younger than them.
I am 40 an very single. I blame (if that’s the right word even) it on no one but me. I long ago decided that I’d rather be alone than settle for anything less than love and I’ve yet to find love. I’m, honestly, at the point where I don’t think love will ever come and, though it’s sad, I’m okay with it. I’ve created a…
Well, yes and no... you can’t force attraction. Trust me. I’ve tried. But the problem comes when attraction is tied to the solely visual and, more than that, solely cultural standards. If you can only find people who are in magazines or on your tv beautiful you’re gonna be disappointed.
And what did Mr. Overly Picky have to offer, I wonder.
OMG So much this it hurts.
Yep. A 40 year old woman can still have a baby (my friend just did) but it takes more work and more money and more attention and it’s not like a cup of PotNoodles like they seem to think girls in their 20's are.
Guys like this stopped dating age appropriate ladies at 25. I know guys like this. At 26 they dated 19 year olds and looked at the 26 year old women around them like they were crones. Now they’d kill a hobo for a 26 year old... naw, still too old.
I’d cry for them if it wasn’t culturally acceptable for them to just find a sweet, pretty 25 year old. I’d cry for them if 44 was really considered desperate for a man. I’d cry for them if ANY of them would actually consider dating a woman their own age.
I’m not crying.
I hate this stuff! It totally does dry out my lips causing them to swell and bleed. I thought it was just me!
I used to work for Credit Suisse in the heady days before the banking fail and I would have to TRY to get (occasionally succeeding) reservations there for my VPs all the time. Between this and the trying to always get them on the 1st class flight, got very good at the sweet talking.
So in other words he’s gonna ruin Lifetime movies just like he ruined GH.
ugh... the smell. I now imagine it smells like too much perfume, baby oil, piss, and shit.
Well, if you look at pics of Fey before she was “allowed” on screen, she was that woman. Cute but with, by the entertainment field’s standard, several extra pounds who wore clothes and had hair that did her no favors. She WAS who LL proclaimed to be.
That’s what you think! I have a friend in the cast!!!
You KNOW the secret ingredient is mayonnaise.
Seriously? Who wants to live and deal with all that shit? It goes down and I’m gonna have a pill and booze party FO’ SHO’.
Can’t say I blame him.
And what’s so wrong about that? Only 3 months of relative normality at a time, that would have driven me mad as a teen. Away from my routine, my friends... these are the things you need as you learn to be an adult. Why is wanting to stay with the people he’s chosen to love as his friends and chosen family be dismissed…