
I don’t care if she was higher than the tower of Babble, you force a sex act on a person, it’s rape/assault.

My friend calls it Donald Ducking, or Ducking for short.

First thing I said was “Aw, no more fancy glass refrigerator.”

cigar-chomping gambler”
Is this Scientology for gay sex without protection?

She really is a terrible model. Always dead behind the eyes (even when she’s not playing a slave/real doll). Every ad and spread she had in the September issue was boring even when the clothes were spectacular.

Maybe he learned to yell from this guy:

People in airports?

If I saw someone wearing this sweater, I would throw things at him. Because, let’s face it... it’s gonna be a him.

Yeah. When she said to me, “I have to call my manager. I think this is a fake.” I really thought she was kidding. I actually laughed. And then I looked at her face and I was all... SERIOUSLY!?!?

I was a substitute teacher out of college and had to dress super mature and formal to not look like the students and I STILL got hassled ALL. THE. TIME. by school security.

Oh the creepy older guy thing! So much this.


Stars! They’re just like us! I’m weirded out by dating TOO!!!

At 9 I got my finger stuck in the arm socket of a Ken doll because I wanted to see if my finger would go through to the other side. I was in the gifted and talented program... kid me would have a headful of these for sure.

I hope the gals in my home market (Bakersfield CA) bought it because they could use some help.

Burn me up and put me in one of those urns that becomes a tree. As for my stuff... one GREAT estate sale!

I thought it was James Deen.

I have a BFA in musical theater and there is nothing on god’s green earth that would get me to watch this dreck.

Team pubes and nips! I wanna know right away if something is see thru or lined.

Jay is shadier than a grove of red woods.