
Me too. I actually look forward to being old, but the getting there scares the shit out of me. My mom’s was NOT smooth and I dread the thing.

Good choice.

That’s not right.

Same. Most guys, especially guys in their 20’s buy really shitty mattresses.



That’s nothing more than slavery. Not being Catholic or even religious, I had no clue!

I mean she calls herself a contessa for Pete’s sake!

I find men VERY attractive ;) but I’ve yet to find the one who was worth giving up so much of myself to become their 2nd mom. I’ve lucked into a relationship right now where we like and care about each other very much but we also like our separate lives.

As for the sick thing, yeah... me too. I’m queen soup! But that

I kept saying “Come on green! Come on green! YEA!!!!!”

I was way too invested in this video.

Rousey is a trans-phobic who says if someone needs lube when having sex they are somehow less of a person. There is nothing that would put me in her corner... glad she got her block knocked off.

The patriarchy hurts everyone.

Yep. Someone to bring me soup, juice, and pick up my prescriptions. Other than that, I’m covered.

Articles like this reaffirm my choice of spinsterhood. What’s the point of a partnership if I’m still doing most, if not all, of the work. I have outlets (and toys) for sex. Honestly the only downside is when I’m sick.

I’m the kind of person who cries when I’m frustrated. It’s so annoying and really a bitch when you’re trying to passionately trying to negotiate something.

There are rumors that she’s working as a very high end sex worker.

Yeah, I was all, “Is this literally something she wore or are you ‘inspired’ Linds? Cause I’m not getting it.”

My best friend was born September 11th...

I’ve heard that too. That said, I prefer an iced americano to an iced coffee.

Set and spike! Way to assist, other customer!

I loved all of these. I have had the worst of days every day for the past few weeks and these made me laugh and cry and smile and really just helped all around. YEA GOOD PEOPLE!