
No worries! Tone... it’s hard to Konvey over the internet!

I was once in a car accident where the other party ran a red light. Cops kept me from getting her details, taking pics, talking to witnesses, told me that they were taking care of everything. When it came time to do the work they didn’t do jack shit. Didn’t even interview the 5 people who came up to me and said they

Sorry, I was taken out to the curb and stomped on. As someone who is not a street fighter or really a drinker (I wasn’t even drunk, I was wearing a friend’s shoes that were too big and they caused me to stumble. I am a stubborn cow, though, so I fought the seeming “injustice” of the bouncer, leading to the

Just joking... RR is totally dreamy. Just doing my best K-Krew channeling.

I was joking... I love me some RR (Just answering like I’d, assume, the Krew would). :D

Ugh! Redford is like totally old! Gross.

Just looking at that makes me sneeze.

The vintage collector in me just looks at that Kris Jenner thing and scream “THAT’S NOT ROARING 20’s! YOU’RE DOING IT ALL WRONG!”

I doubt it was her parents... She WAS on Dance Moms after all and her mom’s a piece of work. That Maddie and her sister have turned out relatively well adjusted is a tribute to those girls (and maybe the camera shy dad) and not the mom.

If that’s your argument, you’ve already lost.

Bless you.

The man is a GIFt.

I feel like all of these clips are a version of (tastes food item) “UGH! OMG! This is the worst thing ever! Like a raccoon died in my mouth! Here. TASTE IT!!!!!” (offers spoonful of dead raccoon risotto).

Cops in this country are noting but inept bullies with badges and guns.

I was once curb stomped by a bouncer for resisting him (he tried to separate me from my friends, I said no, so he picked me up, carried me outside, threw me to the ground and stood on my chest) and when the cops finally came, around after my friends were screaming for help and the guys were being held back by the

I lived on Comm Ave right on the Green Line, it was a great time to be there. :)

I bet he’s a big fan of the Secret.

At this point I won’t be surprised to find out those conjoined twins were only hot glued together and he used a bit of Goof Off to separate them.

It’s seriously one of my favorites.

I knew they were related because they had the same 365 store brand. This was at the one over by Symphony Hall. I was on my meal break from Tower (where we, too got LOTS of celebs).