
When I was in Boston in the 90’s for school I once saw Steven Tyler (like the above story, make up, scarves, TOTALLY done up rockstar style, but in my case it was a lycra “suit” of leggings and a duster length coat both in a bright aqua/pink zebra stripe, without any shirt I can remember and if there was one it was

I’m surprised it’s not! Their prices are ridiculous.

People. When you win you don’t let ANYBODY know. NO ONE but your immediate family and then only if you’re close! This shit is between you and your financial advisor and maybe your lawyer (if it’s like lottery millions). Shut your trap and keep your money!

TURNIPS!?!? Like they know about any vegetable other than iceberg lettuce. I once worked with a homeschooled woman who had to be told the difference between a zucchini and a cucumber.

The Buddha wasn’t that cool with women from the get go, if I remember from my, admittedly, limited readings.

One of my favorite things in all the world is that Del Close, actor and modern improvisational theater guru responsible for most of modern comedy, willed his skull to a theater in order to play Yorick. I believe he must be credited when the skull is used.

It’s a really lovely painting. All of those women are really the most amazing women. RBG gets a lot of, worthy, praise but really all of them are just golden.

This is what you get for selling out your core shoppers for a fickle teen audience because, eventually, you WILL become uncool.

All I’m saying is you don’t see LL Bean floundering and A&F and the Bean used to traffic in the same goods.

That seems as enjoyable as a sex free relationship.

I think it’s time for another BFF.

I went for Other: Pinhead, cause he’s one kinky bastard.

Yeah, that purse is some Friday the 13th: The Series level cursed object. There is mos def a soul trapped in that thing.

That finger...

In a heartbeat! Love me some big red!

When I was in HS, many years ago, there was a student who. after a class discussion got out of hand, had to be removed from class. This was an AP US Government class. The security guard asked him to stand, he refused. He was “helped” out of his seat, but not roughed up, and plastic riot cuffs were applied to his

I hate these doctors who manufacture body shame to line their purses.

I was trying to imagine the best Lifetime could afford ;)

Cry with joy that you’ve found that kind of love. Most of us never will.

Rachel Leigh Cook as RBG!

He was also, it seems, a loving husband, father, and friend. I love reading stories about the 2 of them, they just seem like the best of people.