Erik Lonnrot

This is all headed to a guy named VORP WAR.

Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey asked Sanders point blank why anyone should trust her.

Except you are woefully wrong. Most tat places will cover gang tats for FREE. They let the apprentices do it. My tat person charges $150-200 an hour, and sets aside time every week to cover gang and prison tats for free.

Not when said “repent” and “changing of ways” does not include “getting one’s nazi tattoos covered/removed.”

Well, we found a picture of the offending officer:

Why are you rolling the r to say chorizo?

Officer Drug Dog sounds like a fun gi.

So what’s the morel to this story?

Is this a Canadian thing?

fwd - Slow plane fast!

So basically this Fox contributor saw a Kool Aid commercial and wondered whether he could help avoid talking about gun control.

It sounds as though this Avogadro fellow has really got their number.

Police later found an unloaded gun in his back pocket, and determined his BAC had been nearly five times over the legal limit. 

Belladonna is hella good for you, gets the testosterone flowing, bulks up your muscles, will get you a pay raise, and is a known female aphrodisiac. You should totally eat belladonna, or you’re a beta-cuck.

Honestly, fuck Sweet Caroline.

There are likely whole villages underwater now.

Other animals never invented dairy farms or sweater vests.

Walla Walla!

Known to increase your vidaliaity.