Erik Lonnrot

Wait. So an angry deer can charge a cop car and not be shot or killed but with people - especially those of color - all bets are off?


Chicago... dog whistle for racists. Here you go. First things first. The reason violence is higher in urban areas is because the amount of people is larger. People crammed together and poor make for good enemies. Poor whites with mayo sandwiches and trailer parks have lots of violence also but it’s spread out.


If you are attending Black Thanksgiving where the boat went left instead of right. Fried Chicken is replaced with curry goat and rice and peas. There is also a pre and post thanksgiving breakfast of ackee and saltfish, fried bami, roast bread fruit, fried dumplings.

A hypocritical argument from a member of a country that can’t even be bothered to hold Thanksgiving on the right, sane, and sensible day. Sure, just shove it right up against Christmas, brilliant idea Americans.

Now playing

You better have made the noise. Kelsey Grammer’s finest contribution to civilization after making us aware of David Hyde Pierce.

I think Drew answered the question wrong. The wife wasn’t saying swipe perpendicular. She was saying hold it perpendicular, which is what’s happening in the video. Weirdo husband does what dude in the video does, but with the stick turned 90 degrees.

Nah, they already mixed them up with they included the steering wheel from Knight Rider.

Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration, don’t fail us now!

I think there’s a line between “bad actor” and “limited range” that tends to get conflated too often. Reeves and Eastwood definitely have a “comfort zone” where they get kinda shaky if they leave it, but when they’re in that zone, they’re perfect.

I find Kingsman completely impossible to enjoy due to it being a classist, far-right fantasy falsely labeled as nihlistic. It endorses the idea that democracy is a joke; that there are people who are just better than everyone else, who the rest of us should just shut up and let run the world. Even the church fight,

Does anyone else think it’s possible that one guy kidnapped a woman, is calling her “girlfriend”, and a rescue party needs to go out and save her? Because that whole controlling her food thing was the freakiest and most disturbing thing I‘ve read this week.

Because they think they’re entitled to sex from whichever women they want, so when those women sleep with other people and not them they’re having sex with people they’re not “supposed to”, hence “sluts”.

If I have to suffer through large aircooled Project Car Hell, I’m taking everyone along for the ride.

Nothing. Nothing separates them. A Venn diagram of the two groups would be a circle.

“And Parrish noted that the charge may be revisited at another time.”

Ari sees Randy’s wall-o-Crunch and asks about it. Randy describes the details in voice-over (the temperature of the milk, the minimal contact between milk and cereal, the jagged shards of cereal stabbing the roof of Randy’s mouth) while we see Randy eating a couple bites.

When they make Rainbow Road, I’ll come up for a visit.

I know it’s not the same genre, but if Amazon wanted to go for epic and original, they should try adapting something like Snow Crash or Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson. I’m dying to see a good faith attempt at portraying those amazing stories, which, just like American Gods, could definitely make for a few great

I’d still like a decent Earthsea series, the Syfy adaptation was contemptible.