Erik Lonnrot

Perhaps while he’s in Canada he can pardon Justin Trudeau for his dad Brian Mulroney’s signing NAFTA, which resulted in burning down the White House 186 years prior.

Depression is a lying bitch and our brains tell us lies! Please know you are valid and worthy and not alone in your struggle. Be kind to you.

You are not a lost cause. You have worth. The world is a better place with you in it.

Jesus, these meat smoking enthusiasts and thier low and slow bullshit are getting out of hand

I do occasionally laugh at other liberals, but those liberals tend to be wealthy and white, and it’s not their values (which I mostly share) that I’m laughing at, but their occasional hypocrisy (few things piss me off more than people who purport to possess values that are in complete contradiction to their actual

I can barely believe this.

TL;DR version: not all humorless dicks are Conservatives, but most Conservatives are humorless dicks.

Jane, you ignorant, atheist, abortion-loving, gender fluid, welfare slut.

Same, he would absolutely be even more rip-shit furious if a woman socked him. I bet she could throw a punch too.


Don’t sleep on the gator rolling its ass back out of the truck and staring that dude down.

i don’t blame him at all, that trapper caiman him like a bitch.

In a related story; she was pardoned by Toupee Fiasco.

“but that means each component must be of the utmost quality and Bavarian-ness.

That Resistance-as-Reformation theory would explain these leaked photos of the new First Order uniform:

And me, I see a hundred million in a savings account and I immediately think “idiot.”

“Garçon! This stout has been capped!”

As pomcey and precious as I get about good beer, I take comfort in the fact that I’ll never go through this nonsense.

Hold on, I’m searching for ‘electric-cattle-prod-sharing’

salmon is mostly like steak. additions should be minimal.