Erik Lonnrot

The worst of it is that so many of this particular flavor of asshole swear up and down that they’re purely rational, logic-driven people and that it’s the wimmenz who are all irrational and emotional.

POSSIBLY the best dad.

No, no, no. It’s ok for Harbaugh to recruit teens.

Uh oh. The spinoffs are coming...

I’m sure he’s more of the Lionel Hutz end of the consigliere evolutionary scale

I remember even when Obama was running, the Rasmussen* poll always skewed towards republican voters about 5 points as compared to other polls. When it’s that inconsistent, you have to question their methodology in who they sample.

He looks unkempt, one could almost say, ‘Messi’.

It’s all on a card now, funny money is gone.

“He’s the guy in the photo who’s not one of the most famous athletes on the planet.”

“We’ve got this ratings platform and, obviously, our movies with bad ratings don’t make as much money! What should we do?”

Originally named Ziggy Stardust. Became an astronaut as part of the secret Colonel Tom mission. He fell to a secret part of the earth ruled by goblins.

“Bob I was reading there in the Globe that a quarterback in the NFL, I think they said his name was Dak or Jak or Bak, was earning 10 million dollars a year and it really got me thinking about Ol’ Curtis MacGillicuddy, who could probably put any of these modern kids to shame because he could run and throw, who was

That’s just “Don Cherry’s Grapeline”.

Well don’t talk to any white women drinking tea then.

So, by ‘rotary’ you mean a ‘roundabout’? I’m not judging, I just want to know if we’re on the same page here.

I’ve got 4 Colorado shaped cutting boards and they work just fine for cutting things.

Man this site is deep into the pocket of Big Sisyphus.

Unfortunately, the “fucking” isn’t consensual.

GOP: “Moore should drop out if these accusations are true.”
Moore: “They’re not true.”
GOP: “Well, that’s good enough for us.”

Do not touch.