Erik Lonnrot

Yeah, I kinda figured Pam didn’t feel like doing the requisite name change paperwork for the fourth time.

Straight outta Johnstown

Lily: What’s the story with the dog?
Coach Dunlop: Well that’s the dog who saved Johnstown in the flood of ‘38

You’d think. But there are still people who see children as their parents’ property — and some who go further, and say the children and the wife are both the husband’s property. If someone gets hurt, they figure it must have been deserved....

Mike should be the damsel in distress and Will the hero.

From Farrah Fawcett hair spray induced cancer.

STRONG Burt Reynolds cosplay.

That goal keeper looks like Norm MacDonald trying to look like a Bull Fighter.

It’s not a guns situation, though. He was mentally ill so he could have just as easily used throwing stars, a pick-em-up truck, or illegal immigrants to kill all those people. It’s just that an AR-15 was easier to pick up than a library card. A mere coincidence, surely.

Pretending is a nice way of saying it. Collectively they’ll do just about anything to wrap themselves in patriotic and religious glory to ignore their horrible past and give themselves permission to proceed with their on-going institutional racism as if its some honorable legacy to carry on.

Against the Province of Canada (aka: Quebec and Ottawa) - which was still self-governing - rather than the Dominion.

Oh man I thought I was the only one. I was expecting the group going for heat therapy to set off the tripwire and call negative attention to themselves, or something.

Female mammoth: Come over.

The CMAs are the perfect show if you wanna avoid hearing anything resembling country music.

- The National Anthem before NFL games

Even if she does know, she probably hates them too.

“Flags. I fucking hate flags. You fucking hate flags. Everyone fucking hates flags.”

I am actually thinking about going down there to look at their other Toyota Century inventory sometime soon. I want another car, but can’t make up my mind.

At 14, I was working on beating the Legend of Zelda.

I was really confused about why Trump suddenly cared about child sex trafficking until I got to the part about Obama signing it into law last February. Sigh. Still miss those times.