Erik Lonnrot

At least 15% of the Africans brought from Africa to the Americas died on the ships before arriving.

London would be improved drastically by pluralizing “Spitfire.”


As a Native American male, I say stuff like this like all the time.

Or “Kevin Hart to replace Tyrese Gibson in Fast and Furious franchise”

Tom Brady is an amazing quarterback and a stone-cold moron in every other aspect. He’s the epitome of an idiot savant.

To be fair, he only resorts to that if he can’t get in some partner-pliability first.

“goes solo with a jar of coconut oil he applies himself and a TB12 “vibrating sphere.””

Bill Belichick brushes his teeth with Toms reproductive fluids and hasnt had a cavity since 2002.

I was really disappointed that the Ecto-1 in the new Ghostbusters wasn’t a CTS-V hearse.

One does not compromise on the principle of human freedom.

Biggest douchebag I’ve ever met is Gottleib. Which says a lot considering I worked at an Ivy League university.

I sort of like poutine & beautiful women. I’m fine with them acting superior.

replacing them with Russian flags would be sooooo much more delightful.

Excellent intro, Drew.

Drew, thank you so much for the honesty in this column. Being upfront and honest about the shitty things we’ve done is important. I have a lot of things to atone for, too, and this is inspiration to keep working on being better.

Seriously? Some of you are really, really dense and that’s why you were dismissed. I can’t do it this morning.

But Breanna, what about some other random, completely unrelated incident of violence perpetrated by black people?

Best Denver-area food challenge performance by a journalist since Maureen Dowd.

Yea, yea. And you shouldn’t flash your brights at someone with their headlights out because it’ll be a car full of banger thugs and they’ll pop caps in you. /rolleyes