Erik Lonnrot

This is how I’ve felt about Columbus for the last 17 years.

What would you expect from a team that hates a Las?

you look like keanu reeves with an umbilical cord slung over your shoulder

They’re also the only thing along the Subway counter that taste like anything

That’s because this article is about things that WON’T be in the movie.

Racism isn’t a costume.

That’s the point where they join in with “we will not let you go!”, you finish the song together, the cops air guitar the solo, and everyone leaves having had a good time.

A certain amount of radio and television content must be Canadian otherwise there would be no incentive to fund Canadian art and we’d have no industry for artists to develop in. The government also helps fund it. Tbh I approve of the CRTC regs - we’ve got some excellent stuff from it.

You can whore yourselves out as hard as you want but he’ll never love you, Uncle Juan.

Hey look, a post about a hockey player and his cute dog, lets make this about the Leafs!

In any other time, prior to January 2017, I would have been excited for this case, as it would ultimately have created a precedent shutting down hate groups who try to strong arm colleges into giving them a platform. But now that the Usurper Justice sits on the bench, that seems less probable.

But I think it works for DS9 because they are stuck in one place, even when they take the Defiant, they come back to the station, it’s the same thing with Babylon 5 and even stargate sg1, but when you’re on a ship, you have to move on, you can make some reference but you can’t spend one season on a single planet to

I expect you to now refer to me as Saint Dupe from here on.

Doing a list of modern disaster movies and leaving Twister off is kinda egregious. Twister has it all: flying cows, two dead actors, Helen Hunt in a clingy t-shirt, Cameron from Ferris Bueller, the Terminator (Robert Patrick edition), the Dread Pirate Roberts, and the last dying breaths of Van Hagar on the soundtrack.


Man, I’m sad he’s gone. :(

Netflix had a Norwegian film titled The Wave which I expected to hate watch but was pleasantly surprised at how good it was. Natural disaster tsunami in a fjord style, I recommend it.