Erik Lonnrot

I don’t know how you over think “I want to be friends and do not want to date you.”

This is amazing. It really brings home to me how important comprehensive sex education is, especially the parts about CONSENT!

Lol at all of those suggestions. Nailed it. (If he’s the former then good riddance / leave him now!)

I saw your user name so I starred you because I only saw three stars and I wanted to complete the diamond.

Maybe he meant 1/128 and along with being racist he’s stupid and bad at math?

Plus the US Supreme Court is not the world Supreme Court. Foreigners for Tomatoes as Fruit Forever!

The word national on the fence is a nice touch too.

Sieg fail!

Also Brian Orser > Elvis

You mean they no longer exist as far as you know. They might just be very, very good at what they do.

I initially read “caffeine runs” as meaning “diarrhea from too much coffee”, and became a little concerned....

And he moved to UTAH to purge dogmatic beliefs? So, so confused.

I think a bus comes once ever 2 weeks. At least, that’s my recollection of the service back when I was a teenager reliant on it.

This is the correct take.

I have been informed that Elvis has some really stupid opinions regarding the need for masculinity in skating along with all the associated homophobic bullshit, so....

Davis also said Kanigit instead of knight. Does this mean the Night King is really John Clees?

Gamers:. “Git gud scrub.”

Been with the same person for around 17 years and haven’t cheated so far.

She’s not a business woman. She’s a business, man.

Was going to guess it has to do with the Ainu people — the true natives of Japan, they have traditions involving tattooing, and were pretty much treated like shit by the Japanese. There was even a ban on their tattoos.