Erik Lonnrot

GoodFellas sucked! There wasn’t a single makeover montage, and the couple ended up getting divorced at the end. Two thumbs down.

I just can’t help it, but I gotta rain on this guy’s parade. Years ago, a cop told me only idiots rob banks nowadays for a few reasons. Mainly, the haul is pretty small (probably a few grand) compared to what you can get away with doing all sorts of other “illegal activities” and chances are high you’ll get caught. If

I personally think a Tibetan Mastiff would be a perfect mascot. They’re athletic, devoted to family, and will always zealously defend home court.


I’m sure you mean “a reasonably attractive, young woman, who would not force me to do things I don’t want to to, and not murder me afterwards”

Seattle needs it more. It’s insane that there’s no NHL team in Seattle. It’s a northern US city with a built-in opportunity for a great sports rivalry with Vancouver to the north.

If I’ve learned anything from sports, it’s that you can’t just deck women at home and expect to get away with it.

A League of They’re Owned

Undocumented goats being paid cents on the dollar, no doubt. Thanks Ollama.

Are you Deer God? It’s me, Margaret.

Since all the dinosaurs are female and they talk to one another, presumably about anything other than men, would that mean that Jurassic Park has the highest score on the Bedchel Test?

I was at a game a few years ago where some 8-year-old kid kept whining to the bullpen to give him a ball. Like, he was standing in front of other people (not in his seat) and incessantly asking for a ball. Eventually, his mom came up and asked the relievers for a ball because the kid “had been asking so long.” As

Now playing

All I can think about is one sound effect...


I agree. While I do think it’s good of adults to give kids foul balls caught at games (cause really most adults will forget about it right away, but most kids will think about it for a long time), but to try and shame someone into doing it is just shitty. If someone chooses to give your kid a ball, be grateful, but

Tate Tots are just a form of hash brown. The bigger question is why everyone is pretending they forgot this fact.

Counterpoint: all cheese is magic

I would like to have been there when it was named by, apparently, the Tautological Institute.

“Hello this is Rajev from Tech Support, how may I help you?”

Dad: OK, I think it’d be best if you just stay there, I’ll pass to you, and he can set up for you to shoot. Anything else would probably be too complicated.

YES! All of the dinosaur books I hoarded as a geeky kid called the same-looking dinosaur the Deinonychus, I even have an old hand-written essay about how it was my favorite dinosaur.