Erik Lonnrot

or just leave him in the enclosure for a night and give Sabrina some shorts to wear

Stories about elderly gay couples finally being able to marry result in me crying about 97% of the time, topped only by heroic dog stories (98.5% chance of crying).

Starring Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen!

That’s.. not really restorative justice, but I’m still totally in favor of it. Fuck assholes who go around hurting animals.

"who's disgusting baseball chin is this?"

The idea of slavery really bothers me, because there are people for whom this life represents the only opportunity to take part in this world. There are slaves who are living for the first time (like all the slaves in Qatar), and that is huge for impoverished people in general not just in terms of humanity.

Oh, absolutely. I’m just saying, calling changing a tire a “manliness test” is like calling baking a cake out of a box a “femininity test.” The only sockets and flanges that matter are the ones on your tools!

I’ve been saying that End of the Innocence is the best album to be posthumously released for years.

As a dude, I get really, really tired of some dipshit or another appointing himself the Penis Pope, which happens with regularity and more or less boils down to “Do you have really, really basic outdoorsman/technical skills?”

I asked him today if he was a Beatles fan, and he replied that he heard they were good and intended to give them a listen in the future, adding that he really liked their song “Hotel California.”

The corruption is so ingrained in everything that FIFA does, that the only solution may be for its member nations to all decide to leave it and create a new organization. That said, there is so much money in the sport that the cynical side of me says that nothing will change.

Fun fact: Valentina Tereshkova, first woman in space, is 78 years old and in good health. She has been active in Russian politics, and as an international goodwill ambassador. In 2013 she met with Russian president Putin, and volunteered for a one-way mission to Mars. Rocket on, Val...

I can’t tell if this comment is pro-inspection or anti-inspection.

So I suppose if he signed with New York I they’d be the Jetés, n’est-ce pas?

Ship not shit. Might want to go see a doctor. And wipe.

I’m trying to think of a scenario where everyone involved loses. Whatever that is, that’s what I’m rooting for.

And yeah, Dynamic Mongoose is a pretty silly name.

I wonder if did something like that, would you find any sort of quick-and-dirty relationship between relative winning percentage.

I’m not sure how one would calculate the stat to which you refer because it would have to to account some measure of how much better one team is than the other. But, overall, I think it’s safe to say that “upsets” are more likely than people tend to think they are. That also ties into the idea of “clutch” and

Ever seen a dog catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror after a trip to the groomer? Two days of Gronk tearing through the house howling, trying to catch the intruder.