Erik Lonnrot

Well yeah, he drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden in a Fury.

This “Pork: the Other White Meat” viral marketing campaign is off the fucking rails.

Geralt is a massive, far cry from “generic”. In fact, any character that you can create yourself is generic, limited to a flat baseline personality that anyone can squeeze their own interpretations into. Geralt, on the other hand, is an established character with two short story collections and five novels worth of

It’s that same old tenet that’s always been the driving force behind Puritanism: the fear that someone, somewhere, may be having fun.

Her son was busy?


Leaving a car in a garage and never using it is the same as mistreating his cars.

I really want that diesel 4Runner but it's been sold :(

A friend of mine dealt with the banana thing the best way I have ever seen: she peeled the banana, moved like she was about to bite it (cue guys staring WAY too much), then slammed it down on her desk and started cutting it with a plastic knife WHILE MAINTAINING EYE CONTACT WITH ONE OF THEM.

Pepper is a spice, champ.

Drew - were you wearing the Chopped shirt? I can see where a bumblebee might have gotten confused.

Seconded. I even read Burneko's basketball posts despite the fact that I have never been interested in basketball. They are both just damn fine wordsmiths.

Admittedly, my statement was too sweeping (in point of fact the wikipedia article I lazily linked to admits as much).

Actually, the unsightly white oozy gross splotches are not from the fat bubbling out, it's a protein called albumin.