Do you really think he was yelling at his piece of shit brother not to race the other guy? If he can prove it in court he may get off.
Do you really think he was yelling at his piece of shit brother not to race the other guy? If he can prove it in court he may get off.
Given the age I was when I first saw those episodes it’s not out of the question that they permanently influenced my politics about this kind of thing.
I’m assuming even that was a retcon to cover up George Lucas not knowing what a parsec was when he wrote the original script.
Somehow it is even better and more appropriate now than when it first came out.
Now I’m not an American so I may be wrong here, but what would state regulations have to do with management on federal lands?
I didn’t know that’s how that went down. Thanks for the cool fact.
And calling something a velociraptor that is clearly meant to be a deinonychus...
I have never had a starbucks employee object to me using normal sizes. (granted I very rarely go to starbucks)
No he visitado argentina durante diez años. Todavia usan pelotudo como sinónimo de boludo?
Clearly those highly sought after skills the recruiters kept talking about are working out for great for Summer.
She’s clearly a fan of overkill.
I saw a Jaxxon on a form a while ago.
I won’t judge the kid on it, but the parents choice of name says something about them.
Death’s sweet release?
Good name for a Cortazar fan there yourself.
I’m certainly not letting the white men who did the lynching or the patriarchal/white supremacist systems that enforced those models of gender and race relations off the hook. That being said though, those things in general and whatever other complicating factors any case may have involved in particular don’t negate…
So hire some Canadian consulting company or something. Hell, give me a contract that lets me hire a cartographer and demographer and I’ll do it.
I eat them whole, just rub the worst of the fuzz off first.
How is this “outing” him? What kind of expectation of privacy did this guy have yelling at people in a deli? Calling someone out in public for their public bad behaviour doesn’t seem problematic to me.