It’s probably a selling point for some potential clients unfortunately. Fortunately, his being Jewish is probably a deal breaker for a decent chunk of them.
It’s probably a selling point for some potential clients unfortunately. Fortunately, his being Jewish is probably a deal breaker for a decent chunk of them.
Yeah, this guy isn’t going to have a change of heart. The best we can hope for is that the public shaming makes him too afraid/embarrassed to show his face.
It does raise an ethical question for sure. If Lando want to/does bone one or more droids, hopefully he’s recognizing that they’re sentient and would have to consent to said boning. His indifference to the well-being of driods in Empire would seem to clash with that.
Which is funny because the maras originated in the US among people displaced by civil wars and political violence largely caused by the US fucking up their home countries in the name of first profit for a few huge companies and then anti-communism.
If it was a middle eastern guy they’d probably call out the national guard all over again.
Even if he had done it, why wold you ever give a 14 year old kid a sentence that long? That is not how you rehabilitate a kid!
He doesn’t want to bone 3PO...
Did you get it tested for rabies? Because that shit is pretty damn rare.
Sounds like a good reason to resort to cannibalism to me.
It also has the world’s only fresh water seals!
It’s clear you really caridea about your work.
Chipping rock to allow you to climb it is just about the worst thing you can do as a rock climber (short of like killing someone with a negligent belay I guess).
Yeah they really don’t like hearing about the long history of false rape claims against black men by white women and lynching.
Also, what’s with the obsession with MS-13. They do know there are other gangs right? Even other gangs comprised mostly of non-white people.
I couldn’t make up my mind if english isn’t the writer’s native language or if they’re just bad at it.
Try open carrying that thing across the Kent State campus as a black or brown man (without a policy escort) and see what happens.
I’m not sure we’re ever going to need to change the sign at all.
Yeah is she arguing that the Kent State protesters should have fired on the National Guard? Because I feel like if that happened today she (and her fellow travelers) would not be on board with left wing protesters shooting at the cops.
Gold Opel GT current bid is like $7k. Plenty of money left for keeping it running.
Cops get paid vacations too.