
Well if you have a bigger screen then having a bigger phone is sort of unpreventable. Besides the battery life of the GS3 is better than that of the iPhone 5, plus you can buy a second battery and just swap it out for double the battery and no hassle or extra device thickness. And with Jelly Bean Android is just as

No, just no. You talk of arrogance but yet you claim emptily that Apple makes the best products and value their consumers? Neither of those is true. When was the last time Apple passed its savings onto its consumers, that it "cares" about?

Are you seriously complaining that Google isn't giving free wi-fi to its direct competitors? Even for Apple biased Gizmodo, that's pretty fucking extreme. That's like saying that Burger King is giving away free burgers all of a sudden to members of the BK Lounge club, but complaining that your Wendy's club card

They can't call it the iPhone 5, so it will definitely be called the "new iPhone" even though that will cause a hell of confusion on its own.

Then you obviously DON'T know what extortion is. If I sell blue plates, and I offer to colour them red for a fee, how stupid would it be for someone to claim that I'm extorting them because they bought my blue plate but didn't get it red for free. If you go out and buy a blue plate, THEN THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO

But even if $10 earphones aren't better than Apple's, they're still a hell of a lot more comfortable. Doesn't matter if the sound is a bit better you'll be too busy bleeding from the ears in pain.

And? You sound like the most idiotic person in the world, a computer science degree or any degree doesn't make you any better at deciding which product you like better. Besides how the hell did your degree help you decide, did you look at both the code of iOS and Android and decided that way? No, you're not even

You are the most brainwashed Apple fanboy that I may have ever seen, I don't think it's even possible to argue with you, so please, just kill yourself. And if you are serious and not 12-years-old then I pray for the future of this world.

Did they just say that they went down the list looking for phones with a bezel and flat screen and then listed them as infringed? Oh God this jury's messed up. If you're a jury member whose decided on the first day (or even before the trial started) then you're doing your job completely wrong. It sounds like they just

I don't care if it's a joke, what the hell is the point of posting this?? Nobody finds a joke about company copying Apple funny after one just got sued for 1 billion dollars, nobody wants to hear moronic Apple trolls talking about how MS stole their logo from Apple. This is just literally the biggest faux pas ever,

If people want apples you give them apples, if all of a sudden people want oranges you don't keep on selling apples, you go and sell oranges. This is the same thing that happened with Samsung, the market changed and Samsung changed to cater to the market like any company would, blackberry kept doing the same thing and

The old one was the best, the new one was bad compared to the old one, and this one is just fucking terrible. I don't feel like anybody is going to read my comments based on this system, it's just this huge clusterfuck that's hard to navigate and has no clear start and end points.

I can see all your listed reasons for why you think that, oh wait you have none. No adult in their right mind should ever dismiss something without considering the other's opinion, which you obviously just did. You are either a falsely entitled 12-year-old, or are a semi-disabled adult who never learned how to

I'm thinking about it, and I can't think of any. Even if you did save a life, you would be ending another, which wouldn't improve the situation at all.

From what I gather from my numerous friends with smashed iPhone screens (it's actually ridiculous how many people I know who use/used a smashed iPhone), the screen works perfectly fine when broken. Now that the touch sensors are fused with the glass, won't the screen not work after you smash it?

The problem here is that despite the fact that Apple lost the case against Microsoft you still take it as if Microsoft copied, and use it as an example in how it doesn't hinder innovation. If you want to use an example to prove your point you can't use one that was proven to have not copied. Also stating, "aggressive

>buy media

If it's so in the future that it's "one day" then it makes the need to put iPhone in the title even more extraneous.

Even if you meant, "what's in store", then it would also be untrue. For I find it unlikely that the 7th gen iPhone will use a 11 month old sensor. However a December Android/WP on the other hand...

I'm not overly defensive, I'm just annoyed at the fact that every time I read an article instead of seeing phone or tablet, I see iPhone or iPad. It alienates some of the readers and is completely unnecessary. If there were a respectable reason it would be understandable, but otherwise it just violates what I look for