LOL. You did not just try to use that response on me and not know what the word "consists" means.
LOL. You did not just try to use that response on me and not know what the word "consists" means.
Bad logic, very bad logic. Because something consists of a certain shape it's ugly?
Do these people not get it? The government cannot change the laws because of one religion (although there's a debatable case with the Republicans), especially if that religion is in the minority.
If any charger catches on fire, whatever company that made it is liable just as much as Apple would be. If the charger damages your product then the company who made it are liable for that too. You're arrogant enough to believe that the only company with warranties is Apple?
Don't read them, and do what you want, I don't care how you live your life. But I find these studies interesting, informative, and a way to live your life more healthily; with this article in particular it's important because it tells us that what you think is healthy actually isn't, and that's rather important to…
Last paragraph, third line, "think it might be possible nudge 100Gb/s in the future", should be "possible TO nudge 100Gb/s....".
Probably snapped a shot while no one was in there, but there's no video surveillance in a bathroom.
Camera? It's illegal to have cameras in bathrooms.
It's disappointing that there's only three stories, I wanted to try the test more than three times, I know I could probably find a different one around, but still.
See the problem most people have with floor food is that it's dirty. I don't think anyone has ever said, "eww don't eat that, there's bacterial growth on it", what people are worried about is the dirt. So more people would be okay with eating a piece of dried fruit off the ground but I don't think anyone's going to…
Except Woz isn't very well known.
If the magnet is stronger than the glue, wouldn't setting it down on a metal table cause some major problems?
If you had as much money as he did you'd be watching all the expensive Pay-per-view porn, because you can.
It's $5 a month.
There has been a ban on certain materials in swimsuits, and swimmers are not allowed to wear suits past the waist and must be above the knee for men, and above the knee and no sleeves for women.
They could try introducing a new alien species to get rid of them, while I'm sure they don't want an Australia/toad repeat, it's getting pretty serious.
last paragraph, second line, "significant affect" should be, "effect".
Really, really awesome to have.
There are already snorkels available that we train with that don't have the dual sided snorkel, which is sort of useless; this isn't really anything new. Your reasons for why it should be used are also misled, breathing doesn't cause sore shoulders, the air is no more stale than what the snorkel gives you, and gulping…
This study doesn't make any sense, the robot did not use artificial intelligence, it was controlled by people. Therefore based on the responses they hear, they should find the robot morally accountable because they are talking to a human indirectly and not a robot. The robot is nothing more than a glorified…