
If the magnet is stronger than the glue, wouldn't setting it down on a metal table cause some major problems?

If you had as much money as he did you'd be watching all the expensive Pay-per-view porn, because you can.

It's $5 a month.

There has been a ban on certain materials in swimsuits, and swimmers are not allowed to wear suits past the waist and must be above the knee for men, and above the knee and no sleeves for women.

They could try introducing a new alien species to get rid of them, while I'm sure they don't want an Australia/toad repeat, it's getting pretty serious.

last paragraph, second line, "significant affect" should be, "effect".

Really, really awesome to have.

There are already snorkels available that we train with that don't have the dual sided snorkel, which is sort of useless; this isn't really anything new. Your reasons for why it should be used are also misled, breathing doesn't cause sore shoulders, the air is no more stale than what the snorkel gives you, and gulping

This study doesn't make any sense, the robot did not use artificial intelligence, it was controlled by people. Therefore based on the responses they hear, they should find the robot morally accountable because they are talking to a human indirectly and not a robot. The robot is nothing more than a glorified

SkyDrive gives you 25 GB free if you are an existing user. Also if you are including Gmail and Google docs as special features for google drive, should you not include Hotmail, and Office through SkyDrive as well?

Stupid comment, can you sue phone companies when you get hit by a car when you're using a phone? Can you sue a book publisher if you're reading and fall down some stairs? No, think before you post.

You should be able to use headphones, the other things are stupid, but maneagable; last time I checked you couldn't hear a still vehicle. Also since it is a state offence technically it isn't a crime, as crimes are only federal, unless it's different in the US then Canada, and states and municipalities are allowed to

If this was a troll article that was trying to provoke people, it makes sense, but it's fucking annoying to deal with immature, idiotic, troll articles on a site I like to read; not exactly good treatment ot its consumers, because nobody wants to see these. If it's a legitimate opinion Giz really needs to have fucking

Vivaldi and bach are both baroque composers, NOT classical composers.

Classical music is not complex, the classic era was one of very prominent homophonic melodies, it was "the age of reason" and encouraged music that was the opposite of complex.

It's spelled "gases".

What a mistitled article, daydreaming does not make you smarter, there is just a trend between daydreaming and working memory capacity.

They couldn't have used more then the tests used because they didn't have more tests to use, it also shows the test scores and last time I checked you don't need a calculator to know that 2974 is not 4 times the amount of 2775. Even so "breaking out a calculator" is as easy as opening a program already on your

This is Apple we're talking about, not to be a troll, but they will set their prices at a very high price point regardless of any competition.

10 GB?! For a house internet connection? Unless you can't get DSL then this is a horrible idea, this is like 1 or 2 torrents (good quality) and that's for $60, this is a horrible idea for just about anyone.