Ricky Sunnyvale

Almost everything you buy is from a middle man. Hell, even the local butcher I go to is a middleman, but I don’t have the ability to buy a whole cow and butcher it myself. Have you ever shopped at a grocery store or drug store, clothing store, gone to a restaurant or bought gasoline? 

The trick is, you use the “seller’s market” to your advantage with your trade-in, and you can actually get a better deal than you would have gotten in a traditional market.

It’s a seller’s housing market right now, too. Is it unethical to list your home for as much as you think you can get?

And RV dealerships are almost literally hell on earth.

Long time dealer here, we are not charging above sticker or tacking on tons of add-ons. On the new-car side, dealers have learned that it costs them allocations to have any new car sitting on the lot for more than a couple days. We have 48 hours to deliver a sold vehicle once it drops, so there are basically no new

When you negotiate a deal under MSRP, are you a thief? Of course not, so why is the vendor a “stealership” for charging what they can?

You really, really wanted to use the word “decubitus,” didn’t you.

Not a VW. Unless it’s a Karmann Ghia.

Absolutely not. 40 year old econoboxes are not worth five figures, I don't care what kind of nostalgia you have for being a teenage girl in the 90's who drove one of these to high school.

NADA sez $3200 high retail. Asking 3x = ND


I put snow tires on my Outbacks, and they become absolute tanks in the snow. 

Even better with AWD.

If you live in a snowy climate: getting a second set of wheels and having dedicated snow tires and summer tires. There are not many things more relieving than being able to drive through blizzard conditions without the anxiety of your car slipping all over the road.

Agree. That oil cap told me everything I needed to know. 

For $43 grand? No. Way. No. How.

Only if the leading ‘8' was dropped from the asking price.

This one looks too good for DT.

Like I said, stupid!

We had a string of Rabbits growing up, from early in the 80's until the late 90's. They were, to me, very bad cars, but fun to drive and reliable. The problems were things like woops, the door came off.  As bad as I thought Rabbits were compared to say, something Japanese at the time, the Yugo was worse. Worse than