Ricky Sunnyvale

There were two of these in my family growing up. The first was a black ‘86 (with the 4+3) that my dad let me take to the prom. I picked up my date and proceeded to drift around the exit ramp right before the prom venue. My date stormed off in a huff and had her dad pick her up. I went to the prom stag. 10/10 would do

Those seats are color matched with duck tape, so I think you’d be good there.

8-track player = automatic nice price.

Yeahbut, a brand new hollow shell of a slide in truck camper starts at around $10k, and that’s without any fixtures. So if you’ve got any skills at all, you could turn this into something nice for a whole lot less.

NP for days. You can make up the purchase price quickly by being a motivational speaker.

I can’t believe people bought these new. Having dodged that bullet why would you buy one used? NFD.

Thoughts and prayers for anyone who has a Nissan Murano shaped void in there life...

10 grand for a 20-year old, rental-base spec Taurus with rust issues? GTFOH. The people who actually NEED this car -which is the dictionary definition of ‘basic transportation’- won’t be able to finance $10K on a 20-year old car. No one with 10 grand in cash on hand is rushing to buy this thing. ND a million times

The RX-8 is a fantastic idea.

Not for me, but I’m sure it’s a NP for someone. Pretty amazed it has no rust in PA. Sus.

When I was beater shopping I used to set the minimum price at $500 or $750 to weed out a lot of those. Didn’t work all the time but certainly helped a lot. 

Because a) I’ve been doing this shit for 25+ years and until they started charging for bags and reducing the seats to sizes adequate only for lilliputians, I never had any issues flying for business b) because I, much like a baby or a plus-sized person didn’t get a say with regard to my body type, although I know a

That pretty much sums up my feelings to, my initial reaction too, but the more I looked, the more I liked. Still a close call, but I picked nice price because the seller actually wrote a good ad, he is not “saling” his car, it doesn’t need or have good “breaks” or “need fixed”, no all caps, no don’t bother me with

Nearly $10k for a nearly 20 year old car that’s not really sought after? That seems absurd.

Let’s take it one step further:

Dumbest idea ever?

The joke of all this is that auto loans made in 2018 and 2019 are pretty much “in-the-money” on their cars, lol.

Well then. It’s a good thing we haven’t spent the last 18 months feverishly purchasing every vehicle we can get our hands on for way to much money.

Credit scores gotta be one of the biggest crocks of shit ever.