Ricky Sunnyvale

You see "used up hooker", I see expert in their field.

I’m not a fucking idiot - I know the balance doesn’t go away. But the housing market is a disaster right now and to think it’s going to be markedly better in three months is pure delusion. Meanwhile you’re a fucking asshole for quitting a job then going hat in hand for mortgage forbearance.  You’re the guy who kills

> I quit my job on feb 10th. I was a municipal employee with full stocks of comp and vacation time

Someone that quits a government job at the beginning of a pandemic should not be criticizing business plans.

I really don’t think this car is destined for Barret Jackson.

I suspect you’re one of those guys who walks around the car shows wondering aloud “why the Hell did they go to the trouble of restoring that?” I can say that in all honesty because I’ve been guilty of it myself, and resemble that remark.

I have mostly HF hand tools (wrenches, screwdrivers, allen keys) in my job site toolbox.  They work, and when I inevitably leave some behind at a site I’m not gonna cry about it.

I did get my index finger removed compliments of a disintegrating HF grinding wheel.

Plus, 3 points of floor contact is a lot less stable than 4.

3 legs is more stable than 4. 3 legged stools never wobble. 4 legged stools always wobble. 

Yeah, I specifically looked for jack stands that use pins over the ratcheting design.

The main posts are not hollow. They are solid steel. The legs are probably hollow but the standard jack stand design uses sheet metal. So these are much stronger. And look at how much surface area those circular pads have. Significantly more than those little stamped steel legs that cheap jack stands use.

I would avoid any jackstands with the type of locking mechanism the HF ones have.  Yours above have pins that have to go in and can’t slip out while in use, which is what you want when tons of metal are hovering above your body

When the choice is between lost sales or a loss on every sale, I’ll take lost sales my friend.

I’m not paying them to tell me what I can & can’t do. I read the rules before I moved in, and I’m fine with them.

Ugh. This again.

You do realize that a lot of people actually work for a living and need trucks, right? That Kale salad you are eating was grown by a farmer that needed a truck. That structure you are living in was built by contractors that needed a truck. The internet you are using to post was installed by a person who was driving a

They’re not claiming it doesn’t. They’re just cutting payroll during the crisis. Also there are IT costs associated with working from home and likely productivity will go down regardless of how hard they work.

Have you ever worked in the auto industry, or any industry for that matter? This isn’t your neighbor’s basement startup, it’s a massive company without access to manufacturing facilities or pretty much any other development facilities. To maintain 75% productivity is a lofty goal when your entire workforce is

yeah, Erik’s claim that we haven’t needed to go into showrooms in decades is bullshit. how many people are willing to buy a car sight unseen with no test drive? it’s not the showroom experience shoppers want to avoid, it’s the sale experience.

Jason, listen to this noble human!!