Ricky Sunnyvale

Go price out similar models in similar condition and get back to me.

I was under the impression that NPOCP was not a vote on whether you would want to buy a given car, only whether it’s a fair price as offered to someone who would.

I had a former coworker who had a squirrel problem on his property. Rather than shoot them outright, he would catch them and spraypaint their tails different colors and then release them away from his property. If one with a painted tail came back, he would then shoot them.

Someone is going to pay $12k for this so that technically makes it a nice price. But, $12K for a 90's jeep that is too nice to take off road and too crappy of an experience to enjoy as a daily driver makes it a CP.

Serious question: How strung out on drugs do you have to be to think a 19-years-old Cherokee is worth $12K?

Just an FYI, but all chaps are ass-less. Otherwise they’d be pants. 

It might be tough to find a V8 this well taken care of though. These are worth $2k in mint condition (outside of buy here pay here ripoff lots). That interior looks cherry and hopefully represents the care it received mechanically. The V6 aint a complete dog. Nice low end torque.

$2k is the new $1k. It runs and isn’t embarrassingly decrepit. Nice Price.

Lol because someone prefers not to be surprised they are sexually engaging with transgender individuals that makes them transphobic. #asteroid2020

Agreed, you can buy nice stainless inserts on any marine website

Your Montero, six months from now:

Which goes hand-in-hand with painting cars in actual colours. Mercedes used to be really good about that.

My usual shill for Chicago Motors: 3.5L twin turbo AWD Taurus.

I always thought the steel wheels that VW put on the New Beetle looked pretty sweet. 

Yes, being I have a daughter who is a college freshman, this hit hard.

What if she’s not a full time stripper? Like say maybe she’s got a regular 9-5 as oh, I dunno, a law office manager during the week. But, ya know, kids and weed are expensive, so she takes the stage for the Friday/Saturday night good money shifts while the kids are at their grandparents house for the weekend.

Because they are? No need to defend a correct opinion.

That van is so cool it is actually NOT creepy. And there is still part of my childhood left in me that makes me think that slotted mags are still the coolest wheels ever.

Love it. Would drive. But the shag needs to go - getting sand and seaweed out of shag would be an exercise in futility. And man would it smell. I’m seeing some water-proofed hard wood flooring maybe? Make it look like the deck of a ship. 

Can confirm. But it was a ton of fun to drive