Ricky Sunnyvale

all bets are that it’s a clone - 1: nobody does this to a real Cobra and 2: if it were real, it would be documented (which it is not). and 3: if it’s cheap on the comp’s it’s waving red flags - either a salvage if it was ever actually a Cobra, or it’s a clone....or both.

this smells like a well done, very convincing clone car - ‘tribute’ if you will. If it were a real Cobra, it would be easy to prove, and front and center in the ad with documentation. That’s not there. Worth owning if it’s not got a salvage title - these are fun cars anyway, great for getting ice cream in - and Cobras

laughably CrackPipe - 4 grand.

I wouldn’t whittle that with your stick.....AKA - I can buy easier to burn firewood at the gas station for $4.20 a bundle.

yeah, screw Mazda and their stretch fit belts over the easy ones...that’s so lame.

Monte, not Cutlass, but yeah - before that, Tony drove a primered Nova with airjackers and Cragars, 

too new to be a classic, too old to be reliable daily - too much rust for a $10K car - too many miles for a daily driver pedestrian BMW - this is the kind of car that becomes ‘meme’ grade fodder for the ol’ Big Money Waster stereotype that ends up hammering novice car buyers and people who

close, but no crackpipe cigar.  $1200

I take a different approach - Put myself in that guy’s shoes and in his boss’ shoes. His boss says he has to make the pitch, and classic sales training tells you to not quit pitching until the third ‘no’. The FM is just doing his job. So I just say - “I’ll listen” and shut up. He pitches, I listen, he shuts up, I say

I wouldn’t give a wad of belly button fuzz to Elon Musk.


I am the Liquor, Randy.....that’s a glass of swish right there.

Crack Pipe - it’s an Alfa Romeo with 120K miles - I wouldn’t spend the change in my ashtray for this car.

LOL - nope.  Crack-bong

this is laughably crack-pipe priced.  

Chicago - no ranger around here that does that is $500 - where you at?  I gotta start an arbitrage business.

crack pipe - that’s an art project, not a car

I’d take the cleaner, simpler, lower mileage and higher priced car personally, if I’m chasing 20+ year old beaters for a high school kid or to drive in winter salt. That green one has 180K miles and looks it - dude I can smell that one through the screen - and the other one has 155K and a turbo that will probably

total no brainer if it starts on the first try and doesn’t shake or smoke.  if this doesn’t pull 80% NP, it’s 2020 voodoo at work

this is literally the application for this vee-hickle - teenager car.