Ricky Sunnyvale

if it starts, drives and stops on its own power, and all the lights work, it’s worth 3 grand.   If it’s halfway decent looking, the price goes up from there.  This is not overpriced. - nothing at the $1800 price point can touch this.  

because you end up with a DelSol after all that work -talk about a futile project

this pile of hot garbage is, in fact, priced correctly.

Delta 88 - or Maverick. We NEED a plain jane ‘everyman’ car again - hell, maybe a Ciera. Vinyl seats even *ref Ford pickups in XL trim, just in car form*

nice Schmillson reference

son, you need to aim higher - 88 and Ranger and Broken is not ‘nice’. we call that ‘serviceable for now’ re: trailers - they keep their value at worst, and appreciate in value if you buy them right.  When you’re done with it, a utility trailer can be converted to cash in a matter of hours.  So it’s an investment not

You sure ain't wrong man. Btdt

yup....with the craigslist discount, it’s NP all day

trust me, you’ll enjoy that echochamber when you hit the mileage...I sure do.  good livin’

shaggin’ wagon time

literally any truck you like, and a cargo trailer. Putting a mower in the bed of a pickup truck is a drag.

Look - these Camaros were like boobs in a wonderbra - looks great, attractive from a distance at Beer #1. By Beer #3, you’re really buying the pitch. Once you’re 11 Beers in, you’ve committed and closed the deal, and then it wonder what the hell happened to the promise, accept the disappointment of the

confirmation bias + expectation mismatch = this survey

he likes trains.

sell all that shit and buy a half decent crown vic.  or since this is Jalopnik, and a D.Tracy column, keep doing this stupid plan, and get evicted and more broke.

families with campers and boats need exactly what this truck does - just probably not this truck

the motor and trans will outlive the weight reduction process that this vehicle is surely well down the path of. You buy this truck, and you’ll suddenly realize the real meaning behind “well I’ll be dipped...”

said the same thing a minute or so ago - this car has a distinct place - for highschool kids of Jalopnik readers. All show, no go, doesn’t look hideous parked on the street, passes the ‘not a camry dad’ objection, and who cares when it gets banged up, plasti-dipped, filthy and smelly inside, bird shit on the paint,

these malaise-turds-in-mouse-fur cars, much like V6 Mustangs from the same era are decent highschool kid cars. All show, no go. Fun to play with. Cheap enough that when they get wrecked, the insurance payout is probably over the actual cash outlay.  This isn’t a Jalopnik car - it’s a car for the son of a Jalopnik.