Ricky Sunnyvale

the lack of paying attention in 7th grade science class caused is cool, but you still can’t be a dumbass and survive at real life.

totally not the same - a false equivalency and you know it.

volts without watts is called walking.

I hate that all these climate reports use Celsius.

The point is this - America has done it’s part already, and then some - however we’re still responsible and must take responsibility for solving the issue. The answer to climate change is elsewhere. How does the average American cause ‘elsewhere’ emissions? Buying cheap goods made in China. This is the basis of the

there’s not enough ubers in that case because the cheap ass Millenials bitched so much about the surge that accommodated for market clearing pricing (Econ 101, folks) that the benevolent dictator mayors convinced Uber to kill it. Nobody wants do drive you from a concert or sporting event for standard’s

been there, done that - by the time (and money) you get this done, it’s a money hole that’s hard to sell and not much fun to ride.  $600, and we’ll’s a long winter ahead, and I can sell it in the spring for $1500 - make a quick $500 on the fixup flip.

guarantee this dude wishes he’d closed the garage door....

for realz

exactly - we can’t have nice looking cars because Millenials have their heads stuck in their phones instead of paying attention to traffic crossing the streets.  It’s sad.

the 30' RV I have is why I have such a big truck myself....I’ve also got 5 cars and would take the Edge or the Cherokee if I had to park in that garage...why make life routinely difficult? MOST people would be better with a 2 car solution than a single car compromise for so many reasons.

that’s what Uber is for!  If I lived downtown Chicago, there’s no way I’d own a car, let alone a truck.

learned something today - some F150's have very low top speed limiters. Love Jalopnik! 

I’m a Ford guy - I’d go with the 5.0 F150, but for this kid, but I’m betting he’ll buy a Ram (cheaper and flashier).

I’m a Ford guy - I’d go with the 5.0 F150, but for this kid, but I’m betting he’ll buy a Ram (cheaper and flashier).

I can’t change physics, that’s true.  Beer’s on me....I don’t know which brewery to pick in Houston, but if you’ll point out the one with the best Hazy, I’ll buy the first few rounds.

I can parallel park a F250 more easily than most sedans - and it fits in all the parking garages I’ve ever tried in Chicago- in fact, most parking garages have better spots for oversized vehicles...maybe you need more practice? I’m also good at saying no to people. Flashy, tacky, tomato to-mah-toe....trucks are like

if you’re getting 10 mpg in that, you’re not using enough pedal....

where do you live with a 95mph speed limiter?  what a buzzkill....

He lives in HOUSTON. He needs a truck. With a V8. Pick one - any one that suits your fancy, son. Young guy, that kind of budget, it’s a single cab short bed, or an extended cab short bed. I’ll bet you lunch he picks a Hemi Ram.