Ricky Sunnyvale


Partly because they don’t pay sustainable wages. Uber is pissing it away on creating autonomous vehicles, because they know that’s the only way to make their business sustainable. Their drivers are just a stop-gap in their plans. Which is why I always have a good laugh when those driver try to protest and petition

sadly, I ate one of them - he ate 2.

and yet, the Mustang II front suspension is the basis for so many ‘things we love’.   That was where the market was at the time - early malaise.  

the wheels on the V6 mustangs have traditionally, and still to this day, been ugly - 2 reasons: 1: It makes buyers want to ‘move up’ to the GT and 2: Keep the price low and 2b: Mustang drivers typically buy rims as their first upgrade and typically don’t want to pay OEM option price for upgraded wheels on the first

that’s why these all look like shit.  My son wrecked 3 of the 4 he had.

No Saab was ever a NP.  It’s a Saab.  Technical foul.  10 yard penalty.  First down.

Nonsense, we already allow a certain tolerance for death when it comes to the NHTSA regulating car safety. You’re just fear mongering.

I mean... They regularly vote for defense budgets, to allow cigarettes to keep being sold, for guns to keep being sold (I know, fuck me right!), for perscription drugs to remain cost prohibitive.

the difference is that nobody can identify specifically which particulate from which source is the killer, and therefore liable.  

They prove nothing because those companies are bleeding money. If they charged what they need for a sustainable business, usage would be significantly reduced. 

AV’s will never actually exist - and here’s why. AV’s will have a certain, measurable amount of errors. Those errors will result in injury and death. To allow AV’s to exist will require regulation. Regulation requires legislators to authorize an AV operator/manufacturer to allow for a certain tolerance for errors

This guy just discovered what Uber / Lyft already know and have data to prove. Rideshare (of some evolution from today’s quagmire) is the answer for a meaningful portion of people all the time, and a significant portion of people most of the time, and ALL people some of the time.. What he also proved is that human

it’s worse in person than in the pictures, not that that matters or would be unexpected.

OK Millennial

or Tracy’s postal jeep....when he gets a real job, he can have a real it a motivational tool.

You’re unemployed.  You need a debit card, an Uber app, and an occasional rental car of your choice.

You’re unemployed.  You need a debit card, an Uber app, and an occasional rental car of your choice.

How do you like your quick jacks? I am trying to convince myself to get the mid-rise or full rise scisor lift

you were doing so well...until that last paragraph.  OK Millenial.