Ricky Sunnyvale

price jives with KBB Private Party - he can’t trade it in - the dealer will wholesale it and maybe offer 3500, unless it’s a Kia dealer.  But he should trade it in and get away clean if he can get a dealer to give him 6 grand.  I wouldn’t touch that, or recommend anyone else touch that, any more than I’d touch a $12

from that video?  it basically said NRS are meh according to science.....

always do the slide pins on a nice cool and dry saturday in spring or fall every year, and save yourself a lot of grief and money.

so basically, spend a few extra bucks and get OE pads is the ideal answer to the brake job question.   Good to know.  

you have 6winter beaters, a running toy, a dead classic that ain’t paying rent, and 2 orphan junk heaps...pick one for a build project, one for the ‘keep barely alive beater/alternate transportation, and boot the rest. Get yourself something decent so that you can find and keep a girlfriend/boyfriend warm, safe and

I’ve only done it twice, but somewhere around 140 mph is where what was happening to me was beyond my ability to comprehend and deal effectively with the situation, so that’s my own personal ‘warp speed’.   That and whenever VTEC kicks in bro....

I’d daily that thing like a boss - find one of these (a good one) for NPOCP and give me a head start. 

props for finding an amusing NPOCP.  

Uber is designed to lose money and fleece VC’s.  It could be profitable by lunchtime if they wanted it to be.  But they don’t, so it’s not. 

what’s really going to happen is another Sebring...corporate think won’t allow for any of these fantastic ideas to come to fruition.

this car is a pile of hot garbage.  Not even if seller paid me would I take title to this...

NP - here’s the deal - this isn’t as much a car as it is Art. What’s the value of Art? eye of the beholder and blah blah blah....It’s well executed, as most comments affirm. I’d buy it and have a custom emblem made and call this the FerrDashian - it’s kinda hot, and surely better than it once was - only slightly

verrrrrry little - and most of its ‘needs’ can be largely ignored or deferred - then when getting it fixed, it’s cheap as hell.   these cars are cockroaches.

McParland is spot on - the single lowest cost per mile vehicle, with the absolute least drama, and utterly dead simple is the right answer for this kid. An 05+ would be ideal. A mid-late 90's example with a dry undercarriage should be had for half his budget - pop on a fresh set of tires and a set of front brake pads,

the newest civic under $5000 has $2000 in ‘soon’ expenses to factor in. I can spend less on an entire extra Crown Vic than the repairs on a sub-5K civic.

we’re also the smartest people on the road with the least amount of money spent on transportation. The maintenance and parts cost savings on a Panther more than make up for the small difference in fuel for the vast majority of people.

they have gotten a little big for their britches - 

THIS is what Bring A Trailer is all about - and I would. Hell, I just might - it’s not that far from Joliet, and I’ve got a half a pack of smokes. This one will be a HOOT at the local shows for short money. Nice price will be had in the driveway. Oh, and this is why we all quit with the solenoid door popper

that’s Daffy Duck, Bozo

my kid always gets excited about cars like this at dealers like this - then I piss in his cheerios and show him why too good to be true is always at the end of a CRACKPIPE