Ricky Sunnyvale

your opener is a solid point, Left. I think this has more to do with regulation of commerce in the macro than it does regulation of state level details, and this position would be supported by the ‘adoption’ of California Emissions by other states who are essentially saying that the federal level is inadequate. I’m a

you’re missing the point completely, man. Slow down. Breathe. Stop the name calling. I’m not arguing for pollution - never was. I’m saying that the California emissions is outdated today, unnecessary before, and that the pollution problem was going to get solved with or without a bunch of NIMBY laws written by a

Did Obama, or Bush, or Reagan ever make decrees and statements that were based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how vehicles and the industry operate?

I like clean cars.  I hate double standards.  

now that woman is actually nuts....nice, but nuts.  IF I were to lean left, it would be Gabbard.  

lots of people are this dumb, pipi, in this very thread.   I’m not trolling - I’m actually driving an interesting conversation.

those farm subsidies are just as stupid and wasteful -

it is you, comarade, who are conflating correlation with causality. I argue that the regulations had little to do with the improvements, which would have happened anyway without the regulations. You cannot prove that the laws are causal to the improvements in air quality in Los Angeles. There certainly is a

almost as stupid as someone who writes “ratfuckingly” - like what does that even mean? Of course “Commiefornia” is intended to elicit a response, dude.  I got so many people’s panties in a wad in just a single word - try to be less triggered and maybe, just maybe, you could have a productive conversation about an

You are just wrong on so many levels. Stop supporting a lying racist adulterer and his anti-environment agenda. These are voluntary standards the state has the right to hold themselves to. Many states do the same on topics that are important to them.

he’s burying me in stars for sure...but it’s the audience here more than the facts. Liberal ‘facts’ get lots of stars here. It’s cool. I’m just trying to get you sheep to think more critically and be pushed to back up the tweet-memes. That low grade discourse is not helping you win the election any more than the

Flawed says you. I say it's solid.

I hate double standards. Pick one or the other...that's it. 

It was that or giant meteor. The liar/cheat or the bigger liar/cheat

I argue for a single standard. Whichever one, just not two or more. We can all do California for all I care. Didn't see that coming did ya?

why do you think i’m a Trump supporter? assume much? lacking anything else in your shallow mind to come up with? I’m not. get over it.

hat tip to proper discourse, man. we see it differently, that’s all.  makes for a better conversation than just always talking with people we agree with.

we don’t want your medicaid OR your shitty education ideals. we’ve got windmills anyway, to push the smog out.

only Elon Musk could promise that and get people to believe it...I get it.  But it’s not that hard, really.

we’re forgotten’s cool.  leave us alone.