Ricky Sunnyvale

I’m advocating that the government is making cars so ‘safe’ and so ‘efficient’ as to price the lower income brackets out of the market - an unintended consequence of the intervention of government in free markets.  Not everyone wants the same thing - and pricing the poors out of the market is actually cruel while also

you should have seen could see it from a hundred miles away, the brown haze in the air.

I was saying that before you were born, youn’un.  I voted for the Libertarian in 2016 - Gary Johnson if you remember or were paying attention.

LOL.  wanna bet?   hold my beer....

pulling you out of the grey (shadows) so the world can see what a bard you are with your sage wisdom and prose of compassion for humanity.

it’s the swish, man....trying to kill two birds and get stoned.

in America, you have freedom to do what you like, so long as it doesn’t infringe on others. I’m arguing (better than Trump) that California has no rights greater than any other state - the fact that California is the world’s 7th largest economy doesn’t give that state more rights than others - more responsibility

it always WAS cars....not so much anymore as the way it was. fuel economy gains are great! but it was going to happen anyway - technology does that. Trump’s audience is plenty good at math (even if he’s not). Upfront costs are the problem for the majority of Americans - people who can’t afford a newer car and

and Detroit was worse by the way.  

right -vs 1968, a lot better. Today - literally any car manufactured would prevent that kind of smog. In fact, literally every car manufactured with fuel injection and catalytic converters would have done it just the same. The point being, it’s at a point well past diminishing returns if there ever was a return to

we should have guns that shoot vape juice - super lethal.

California Emissions needs to die. It was stupid back when, and nobody had the guts to tell Commiefornia to piss off. They have a crap ton of pollution - and it’s HARDLY to do with the cars, and more to do with their lifestyles and choices. Of course, there is a bit of unfortunate topography to go along with their

this is crack-ier than the Chev-auxbra from a few weeks ago - at least that thing was kind of cool.

that’s precisely where this bullshit is coming from.  middle america drivers aren’t the ones pushing this.

one more example of the coastal elite fucking us over here in the heartland.

you’re really bad at economics, but your heart is in the right place

very few people are going to get this

and very few of the drivers were medallion holders.  the mob and the money ROBBED the drivers blind with day/week leases to the independent contractors that drove the taxis....nothing here is new but the short term memory fail and a dollop of willful blindness

this argument falls apart at the point of determining the price fixer.  It’s actually the drivers.  They fix the price through participation (or not) which determines quantity of supply, which meets demand at a price.  This is the entire point of surge, which really doesn’t exist anywhere there is a surplus of drivers

driving uber is an unskilled labor job.  unskilled labor will never earn enough to live in Los Angeles independent of’s just not that valuable or scarce of a commodity to justify higher wages.