Ricky Sunnyvale

caveat emptor

it certainly is NOT rocket appliances

uber driving is better than burger flipping - comfy, breaks whenever you want, can never be late to work and get written up, don’t have to get permission to go home early, air conditioning to your liking, etc wonder it pays sucks less.

but one man’s garbage is another man’s good un-garbage.

you need to do more research into economics before writing articles like this - most of what you’re saying here is just gibberish, and largely misguided. What is really happening is NOT price/supply fixing, as taxi services do under a government controlled quasi-monopolistic competition scenario - it’s in fact a

lol, not you, man...the dude with the undersized electric trucklet failing at pulling a boat out of the much naiive fail there 

lol, not you, man...the dude with the undersized electric trucklet failing at pulling a boat out of the much naiive fail there 

I like liquor and whores too, Julian...

this is SO millennial....

He’s 23. Has some learnin’ yet to do....this will help. It’s the natural course of nature for a Jalop. Let the kid do his thing.....if he ever passes his level 10 and gets some book learning he’ll figure out it’s not rocket appliances

Good on ya, Tom -using your considerable influence in this case could actually improve the world we live in.   Thank you.

Clinton did that to y’all

that’s a great car - no tinfoil hats required and no emissions to pass.  a cockroach that will run after the EMP or lack of internet access wipes out all these ipad-on-the-dash shitmobiles that throw codes when there’s too much cornjuice in the gas.

right - at $35K+, i’m buying a Mustang GT from the last year or two - will spank any muscle car in any dimension you measure.... I’m not an ‘investor’ - I’m a ‘car guy’

nah....they’ll figure it out quick when they send it to auction.  the market will scoop that stuff up nice price not crack pipe.  long live the free market and economics principles.

inflation is tracked by commodity - milk and eggs and cotton and such fairly well follow linearly. but the crap we buy is different today than before. ie thousand dollar phones for everyone now required - 20 years ago, no such requirement. 2500 sqft house average vs 1700 sqft average. granite countertops in rental

When these Boomers all die off and their cool old muscle cars are again worth what they should be worth, I’m looking forward to owning one.  Until then, I’ll happily let them eat the losses and not continue that pyramid scheme.

inflation is relative too - it’s not really linear at all. 

yep - my (genX) generation basically said fuck it, we’re screwed from the get go anyway....

nice folks, our parents and their friends....they still fleeced america.