Ricky Sunnyvale

a libertarian

when I was your age, a 69 charger was the equivalent of your $6k late 90's mustang’s just the effect of inflation driven by the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas that did other words, the Baby Boomer generation fleecing the future mercilessly. 

graduated during the recession of 91....and a bullshit war that seemed to never end, and then the Clintons fleecing everything...we never had a friggin chance.

that....all of that.  Well said.

what that means is that you’re in a seller’s market - and what THAT means is that there’s plenty of buyers - and what THAT THAT means is that whoever is lucky enough to land the house is explicitly agreeing to the rules of the neighborhood.  Don’t like it, don’t buy it.

greenspan defined this as ‘irrational exuberance’.

the only reason Uber doesn’t show a profit is because they fleece and piss away cash - the primary beneficiaries there are their business leadership team and actual Uber employees - it makes money on every ride. it also spends more than it makes.  the golden parachute of the IPO is the only difference between that and

uber was created primarily for the IPO.  the rest of it is really incidental. like most of what came out of the valley, it’s vaporware at the core, with a lot of ways to distract most people from realizing that fact.

uber was created primarily for the IPO.  the rest of it is really incidental. like most of what came out of the valley, it’s vaporware at the core, with a lot of ways to distract most people from realizing that fact.

this whole thread, and the other one nicely illustrate the ‘regular Joe’s’ utter lack of knowledge of ‘legal’. Also illustrates how a car enthusiast forum DOES NOT bear any resemblance to any sort of majority opinion of the general population. Car makers build boring beige cars, and homebuilders build boring beige hous

and the government - that’s why all cars have basically the same front end shape today....the genesis of why the camaro is so ugly, etc etc.

exactly my situation, and why I have 7 cars currently. looking forward to the day when these kids launch from the nest so i don’t have to play ‘porter’ every time I need something out of the garage, or to get my own car out of the driveway.

lost it behind the muffler shop...never replaced.

i’m cool with that, DW.  

actually, that’s exactly the kind of person you’d want as a president - better than some ninny with nothing going on and nothing better to do than find stuff to bitch about. low drama is the goal. some folks just like drama and picking battles that they’re gonna lose. guys just don’t understand how it works. but that’s ok. you don’t need to, so long as you don’t live in an HOA controlled property....and you shouldn’ would be a nightmare.

agree - i have a storage lot offsite where i ‘store’ it. it’s only in my driveway for the allowable time - pretty much thursday and or friday most weeks through camping season while it gets prepped for the weekend trip. all within the rules. and still the bitchy lady across the street complains at least once or twice

you’re not wrong...hoa’s have major drawbacks.  in my neighborhood, there’s 3 people out of 572 that are the complainers - sounds like this guy lives next to one of the complainers in his neighborhood.  but it’s a choice to live in an hoa, and choosing that means accepting the rules, like it or not.  there’s other

this is what folks aren’t getting - buying the house in the hoa was a voluntary act, as is agreeing with the hoa is a choice and a promise when you buy that house. if you want to park stuff like this on the lawn, there’s places where you can do that.