Ricky Sunnyvale

the HOA has a legal obligation to protect the interests of the owners as a whole - the foreclosure is just the final stage of gaining compliance of a noncompliant owner in the association.

you’d have to ask the ‘anyone else’ who wrote the original complaint that created the awareness of the hoa. from an hoa perspective, it is either in compliance with the established rules, or it’s not.

nope...he’s guarding the dirty foot hash right now.

it’s a thankless job dealing with asshats - 99% of the owners in the HOA like what we do. 1% think we’re the world’s biggest jerks - that’s just the nature of the beast.

you’re making a huge assumption that I don’t do that kind of stuff too. which I do. a person in a $300K house, with $7K in taxes can afford $600, or they should sell their house before it’s foreclosed by the bank or the state. some asshole making Custer’s Last Stand against the HOA over a fine over a rule violation is

wow.  I’ll pray for you.

or simply put your patina in the garage at night.  solved.

exactly - we don’t even meet monthly - 3x a year, and we judge success based on how few people show up.  Nobody comes to say nice things....ever...they only show up if they have an issue to beef about.  99 percent of it is just routine paying of bills or managing collections, or architectural requests like fences

true. board can only do what the covenants say to do. board members are not held personally liable for its actions as a board - remember, there has to be a vote on any actions involving expenditures, so it’s unlikely that even if one board member is a total fartknocker asswipe, that unless there’s majority opinion, no

you need to pick better neighborhoods, apparently. and frig off. I’m not a ‘type’ I do the job because nobody else will. please - run for the board - its yours.  why you gotta make things personal?   

what we think of the meaning of words in general society has almost nothing to do with how it ends up going in court....and that’s where this will be settled. Unless it’s settled back room style, or by a judge with an agenda, or a payoff settlement, or just a payoff....

absolutely not. it sucks. but the volunteer board of directors of the HOA has a duty to the owners as a whole body, to enforce the covenants that all owners agreed to abide by, and the penalties that are defined for not abiding. It’s not a choice, and it’s not pleasant. It’s a duty.  In every case, the deadbeats that

in this case, I’m Mr. Lahey, unfortunately....Shithawk

dude, nobody, and I mean NOBODY wants to do this...but some people are asshats and think that the rules and contracts they sign don’t apply to them.  Most everyone else just pay what they agreed to pay, and do what they agreed to do.

they’re not wasting anyone’s dues or fees are always recouped, often with penalty income to the rest of the owners.

people are petty dude....they just keep driving and don’t even make an offer.  Time on market is what cuts the price, not the offending element that drags the timing out.  

that’s how many many houses, fences, etc have been painted pink over the works, if you consider that a win....but winning that way is just one more step in the direction of ‘crazy dude moved away finally’.

patina is an opinion of enthusiasts, not any sort of legal definition.....the paint and body are both damaged, and either poorly or not at all repaired in this case.

you’re not a lawyer...neither am I. but here’s how that part really works - ‘how severe is this damage?’ moderate. Not light. Not heavy. ‘moderately’. They win, he loses. End of story.

that’s why I don’t own a LOT of large shit I wanted to buy...won’t fit in the garage, and can’t live on the driveway/street, I just can’t have it.