Ricky Sunnyvale

he probably ignored a few ‘remedy’ then ‘demand’ then ‘final demand’ letters, then got a fine, then got the pile-on fines and the lawyer bills to make a $50 dollar problem into a $3000 problem. Stubbornness never plays out in these cases..just makes it worse, and fast.

that  cheap bumper that doesn’t belong on this truck is worse IMO

there’s certainly a clause in there about ‘inoperable vehicles may not be parked on the property’ to cover the ‘severe’ damage stuff.  This is for the shitmobiles issue, not the wrecks 

bingo - never hitting a quorum to change a covenant.   A rule, maybe, a covenant or restriction - not gonna happen due to quorum.

you’d be surprised....I know I was. It really depends on which state you’re in (so I’ve heard) whether or not that will happen. The ones that get put out - it’s not a surprise, and it’s not without warning, and it’s not without literally dozens of opportunities to take care of the situation - deadbeat is the correct

as a guy who 1: Has 7 cars parked at his house, only one in the garage because the garage is full of Jalopkrap, AND 2: routinely parks his Camper on the driveway AND 3: is President of his HOA (yup, lol, that’s no lie and no mistake), I can tell you that we don’t have much drama in our neighborhood. I ain’t fining

when I was driving Uber/Lyft it was ALWAYS a Lincoln - usually a former Limo that had aged out. WAYYYYY too much fancy for the UberX/Pool crowd, but it was nice to ride in, easy and cheap to maintain, passengers felt ‘special’ and I got a lot of tips and had one of the highest star ratings in all of Chicago. bonus

nobody said it was smart....but Limo drivers typically buy the ‘gussied up’ versions - that’s what the customers expect, and what drives tips. It’s manhattan - it’s a black car - it’s gonna be a Denali, and it’s gonna pay for itself. Rappers, Posers and Traders wanna roll in style, and drivers want the ratings/tips.

the car is just a tool, man. Show me a mechanic, or a plumber, or Dentist for that matter that doesn’t have at least $60K in tools. That Denali qualifies for Black, SUV, XL, Plus, etc, so it gets paid a lot more than a Corolla that can only do X, Pool, Line, Express, was the driver owner’s decision to make

it’s not even 1% better, dude.

basically exactly what I said, and exactly right. If Ebay were taking the cut that Uber/Lyft is, people would scream extortion......and still do it anyway, bitching all the while, just like current Uber/Lyft.  Question is why Ebay isn’t...

it’s a voluntary activity - the acceptance in this transaction is direct approval of the known split.   That said, most people who are failing at being uber drivers failed algebra in high school and certainly aren’t capable of running a small business profitably.   The split today is garbage, yet morons still accept

as a business owner of several businesses, I often work a full day for a net cash loss...that’s small business for ya’. Ubering is exactly that. It’s NOT a’s a small business.

If you just pronoune Uber “Ebay” this is easier to understand. They’re really no different.

one man’s garbage is another man’s good un-garbage.  However, this is just garbage for all.  Crackpipe

exactly nothing about a 4 cylinder pony car is right. thought we learned that 2 decades ago. Chevy’s done gone down the rabbit hole chasing pussy hat wearing, tree-hugging vloggers who’ve never even seen the sun shine in mom’s basement.

mkz was zephyr before it was mkz

cotd contender for sure

I hate myself for loving to follow this nonsense. Be careful, so you can do this again - hopefully better each time.

sure..until the northstar spontaneously changes its own oil.....hard pass. these things don’t make 100K before the nightmares start.