Ricky Sunnyvale

I’m just going to give one simple example - Fireworks - considering it’s timely - we simply accept a lot of products that are dangerous and fail conspicuously causing injury or death - but we only sensationalize the ones that have a chance to line the pockets of the lawyers and politicians:

not exactly - there’s really just one point - Bankrupting the company does no good whatsoever to anyone but the lawyers - it’s not bringing the dead back to life for sure. We accept a lot of things in this world far more deadly than 11:150,000,000 odds (which is actually thousands of times smaller than that even

devil’s advocate is a mental disorder for sure.... and I similarly respect yours.

hell, you’re 18x more likely to suffer a non-fatal injury and be in a position for a windfall settlement than you are of dying.....that’s better odds than the lottery......go drive the car and save your lottery money! I’m being facetious, but the stats are the stats

hey, I get ya - but the reality is this - and just humor me a second - is your other car “safer” (empirically) than the affected car in the (unknown) future circumstance of whatever (possible) risk (with likely higher probability of occurance)? ie a side impact vs an offset frontal vs rear impact vs rollover vs fire

Me? Absolutely staggeringly unpopular as that may be...they had one tiny window and one strategy to protect their business. A hundred and fifty million airbags being replaced is an economic and environmental disaster and nothing more than a scheme created by attorneys to get rich off of creating pain

it’s a mechanical, man-made object. Nobody can promise anything to 100% certainty about a mechanical man-made object. This is possibly the dumbest attorney-created moneymaking scheme in the history of man....and the world is no safer for it. Your other car is no safer statistically in your conveyance from place to

Takata should have told the governments and car makers to pound sand. They were vilified for a handful of deaths and injuries that would have happened anyway, all while saving literally countless lives and injuries without even a thank you. The weak kneed cowering served nothing but to bankrupt them. If I were them

this is a terrible teenager first responsible parent would approve that purchase.

my thoughts exactly - SN95 and S197 mustangs too - Foxes actually pull higher $ than this in crap shape

It’s a fair price - it’s just a terrible way to spend that money.

A ‘cooler’ example of Malaise + Cladding era - but it’s still Malaise and epic Cladding - these cars, their heathen spawn and brethren were just garbage. Build quality, fit/finish, materials, structure....all sub-par even for the period. Let’s not glorify aged crap that had its heyday 30 years ago today just because

Brake Cleaner - this is Jalopnik, dammit. Brake Cleaner cleans everything and makes oil magically disappear. Hell, I use it as a deodorant, and Hoppes #9 as my cologne. Use Brake Cleaner or turn in your Jalop Card....quit with this weenie girly-man bathroom’re a’re not supposed to even

Your 56K is showing

fantastic’re spot on with the same ‘facts’ being viewed through different lenses - and the fact that the ‘law’ being written and enforced by Government is supreme to the private entities (can’t fight city hall). Remember too, the natural effect of parasitic drain of government, and the motivations of

The cities aldermen want to make sure they’re not ending up with vast parts of their landscapes voters underserved under-pandered-to

bicyclists (at least in Chicago) complaining about how people drive is a glass house situation if there ever was one - we drivers live in fear of the idiot bicyclists

The “data” I was referring to is that the people ‘discriminating’ against the people claiming ‘discrimination’ are actually the same people....what happens in the rough neighborhoods is that when riders aren’t getting picked up, the demand stacks up, by latent demand and by ‘impatient’ demand (Uber AND Lyft requested

if it does go autonomous, Uber and Lyft will get CRUSHED on this ‘underserved’ area will be 100% their control to manage fleet deployment. This and for reasons of the unsustainable up front capital cost of doing that is why I say it will NEVER go autonomous....too much pain for too little gain. The

sure, but you’re misunderstanding how it actually works - Uber and Lyft don’t tell the drivers where to go to find their first rides of the day....drivers have to make those choices on their own. Most drivers turn on and wait to get a ride from wherever they are - it’s expensive to deadhead, and free to just wait