Ricky Sunnyvale

there isn’t any such fact, quite the opposite. Here in Chicago, the ‘ghetto’ areas “surge” (which incentivizes drivers to go make the pickup with bigger $) with regularity because us drivers aren’t too fond of the whole possibly getting shot while driving through the real-life-grand-theft-auto-scene

not dumb - in Chicago area, Uber and Lyft are, for the most part, PROHIBITED from using Taxi lanes as pickup/drop....protectionist government with unintended consequences creating pain for citizens. And here in Chicago, the regulations are virtually identical, and in most cases, more enforced on TNC’s than on Taxis.

completely incorrect, buck - try and get a refund from a taxi company for a bad ride - never gonna happen. Uber and Lyft refund passengers with hilarious regularity. Cities have regulations on rideshare virtually exactly the same as on taxis and the same compliance hotlines will take the calls and ignore the

As a veteran flipper and serial car buyer - i have sworn off Jags, and recommend y’all do the same. Never again....fickle bitches they are....the juice is never worth the squeeze.

First time I saw this was in the early 80's on a Yugo - don’t we have a Yugo guy in here somewhere to take a pic?

Frunk.....:) (and still in the grey.....)

pretty sure the weed had more to do with that than anything else...

You need a 12 step program, dude......but I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of reading your adventures, being as I’m wrenching a Jeep (well 2 if I’m being honest) myself these days and can soooooo relate. (still trying to get out of the grey)

Just drive the Dan Ryan in Chicago one day and you’ll see this kind of dick-car-move a LOT - these idiots do this on the shoulder, on ramps, fact the camry driver probably thought it WAS a shoulder (we don’t have carpool lanes) (and I’m still trying to get out of the grey)

Anyone who disagrees with this never rode a motorcycle....(and what does it take for me to get out of the grey....)

Not a chance in hell - I had one of these - and it was a NICE one - can’t find parts for most of the stuff that goes wrong, and holy hell the gremlins in this bastard-Jag will eat your soul and puke it back out on your front porch like a flaming bag of dog-crap just to seal the deal. Run, Forrest, run...

I drove a 97 Mazda B2300 - essentially a Ranger - for a number of years (1999-2002). That truck’s ass end would twerk FRIGHTENINGLY and often without warning on any pockmarked or potholed road. Put me in a ditch once. That sucker would get so bouncy if it happened on a 2 lane road the head-on collision risk was

In other news, some people wear socks, and some of those may or may not smell, so maybe a VC will invent an app to do laundry. Or not? Or aliens?

Always did and always will have a soft spot for this version of that car (with that pointy rear window - the later large window one is just not as cool in the back seat rider position) - i have absolutely no reasoning for this - it’s unexplainable - but I’d buy one on craigslist TODAY if i could find one with solid

Yep - if you’re going for lowest possible drama and lowest possible cost and highest possible durability with good utility and lowest possible repair/maintenance costs - crown vic of cop or grampa origin - just NOT a taxi. the single best value in all of automotive-dom right now for a college kid - just ask mine.

The very last thing a poor grad student needs is car repair bills - and anything you can buy for 5 grand or less is gonna need a grand a year unless you got a shop and tools. Cheap lease all day long.

CP at this price - 2500 to 3K, NP, but still a very limited market.

a good runner is $2K all day - hell a running cavalier can bring $1500. but this thing is a money hole and a nightmare not worth the headaches. $40 and you pay for the tow to my shop....that’s all I’d offer. The only way to make financial sense on this is to part it out, and that never pays off well.

crack crack crackedy crack - $40 bucks and you pay the tow to my garage.

At 3 grand, I’m 6, that’s all the beans - very limited market.