Thomas the Intern's Intern

Just watched it. It's like a 1 hour-version of that SNL "Black Widow" sketch. And all the women on this show are ridiculously skinny.

Well, unlike Human Centipede, the dancing baby is still haunting my nightmares.

"Wait, you came back from Jewish camp?"


Oh no I had no idea! Get well soon, Mrs. Teti!

Where did she go, btw? I miss their podcast :(

I like to think that he choked on one of the cookies Pete gave him on the way to the elevator. And then he fell down the elevator shaft. And then the elevator crushed him.

So, I ended up watching this series finale this morning in the hospital waiting room, while my grandmother had her bi-monthly blood tests and various check-ups (she has chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which sounds scary but is actually pretty managable and non-agressive, and she'll probably outlive several of her

Erik Adams - the Pete Campbell to John Teti's Don Draper.

*winks* *finger guns*

Yeah! Oh Yeah!
[Entourage title card]

Oh shit. I missed the previous installments, but I hope it's nothing too serious. Less computer time sounds like torture at first, but I've been cutting back lately myself thanks to some issues with my eyes, and I've noticed that I sleep much better and feel less tired during the day now.
Good luck man!

So, how's your dating life?

Fortunately, I don't have friends who watch this show. And online friends aren't real, so who cares.

I've been fighting the urge to torrent them for the past few hours. I really want to just download and binge, but then I'd have to wait almost 2 months to see the second half of the season. I think I'll just stick to the weekly schedule. Also, I feel bad for the showrunners and the people who worked on the show.

I'm glad someone else out there ships HuebelxMarino.

My mom is in St. Petersburg right now with her girlfriends! Wanna meet up with them? They're divorced and up for whatever! I hope you like scented candles, bitchy remarks about their various ex-husbands and extensive discussions about Paulo Coelho.

"Flyers" by BRADIO. It's the opening theme to my favorite anime of this winter season, Death Parade. Which is also very good.

"What a bunch of [redacted]!"

I found it especially annoying that Anouk's decision not to have an abortion was followed by a tearful breakdown in front of Rosie, a profuse apology and a monologue about what an admirable mother she is.
In the original, she remains torn over who to side with and decides to mostly stay out of it and deal with her own