One Sorry Polontologist

Probably. I’ve seen nothing yet that makes me believe that Pittsburgh’s DBs can cover anything but yardage chasing a WR from behind.

One less year of brutal head trauma. Way to take the W on this one Eric.

I’m really curious what part of that game made you think Andy Reid coached poorly.

What’s more impressive is that they made Alex Smith look like a quarterback who had heard of the concept of the ‘forward pass’.

The greatest sports commercial ever. Tom Emansky infomercial not included.

Now playing

Hey that’s great, but who are the cheifs?

It’s tricky to claim he fit the description of the shooter if there was no shooter.


Party like it’s 1989

Back when he was still with the Eagles (maybe 08 or 09), I ran into Andy Reid at Home Depot once. He was incredibly nice. It was in early September and the Eagles were getting ready to start the season. There is a Home Depot in South Philly. About 2 miles from the Linc. He is pretty easy to spot. So I went over

If Hollywood has taught us anything it’s that Queen Victoria had a shitload of unexpected friendships with people from vastly different walks of life.

I know a guy who needs a job who can’t even FIND red flags.

Many studies confirm that porn is addicting and that it contributes to abusive behavior. Providing that information for your team hardly seems like a mandate of how they ought to live. He was asked what type of educative information has been given to the team and he gave an honest answer.

“This is fine.”

It was dumb. It was predictable. It was clearly won by Mayweather.

I hate this thing with CK. Most dudes go through at least one period where they aren’t great to women. I look back on some of my own shit when I was younger and cringe, for sure. But assault, particularly assault as a habit, is different. I really, really hope CK was just kind of a creepy douche sometimes and that

Where did the Moose touch you?

And in this case, the smaller player might be the better one. Just not as young.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a trade where each team ends up with a different-sized version of the player they already had.

A normal non-suspicious thing to do when someone dies in a completely innocent totally accidental way while in your company with no one else around is to dispose of the body and then lie about it.