One Sorry Polontologist

As someone who lives in KC, I am glad this is how the board is being put to use in the off-season.

This is why i cant really get into baseball.

I appreciate the way you are handling these!

I agree.

us, John Cena is in it. Gross.

I think that is what I am saying. I understand that she isn’t Muslim and that is clothing traditionally worn by Muslims. Where is the line between cultural appropriation and just wearing something because you like the way it makes you look and feel?

I agree. I don’t understand the appropriation and why, whatever she did, was so bad?

I am glad he isn’t a total idiot tho.

Hot Take: he isn’t that good of a dad. In no particular order:

I am not typically a fan of the death penalty but I cannot honestly think of any other way to send this message.

Cars 3 is not good but ‘The Good Dinosaur’ is one of the worst animated movies I have ever seen.

Is there any chance Disney is just going to have it’s own ‘network’?

No, he is just a guy who knows the world he is in and he’s doing what he can to control the narrative. Can’t fault him for that.


It is the only reason I bought the game. I am hoping the arcade areas on the game are also worth some time.

It is the only reason I bought the game. I am hoping the arcade areas on the game are also worth some time.

ok perfect. this makes sense. Thanks!!!

I had the same thought. Everything I have ever read about Jones makes it look like he gets his way becuase he says he gets his way.

Sounds like something the boys over at Pied Piper should look into streaming.